Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Say hello to baby Dylan John...

Hi everyone....
long time no post eh???

well, as you know I've had other things occupying my mind :)

meet Dylan John

born 15/08/2012 weighing 8lb exactly.

we are all head over heels in love with him already...

I was booked in for a c-section on my due date as having had one previously they didnt want to induce... had been hoping for a natural birth, but at least he arrived safely!

am just about starting to feel human again...and looking forward now to getting out and about as a family of 4!

He's fast asleep at the moment after having a good feed...
 Daddy has just got back from the shops with doughnuts... so i'm off to stuff my!

squishy hugs all round...


Saturday, 9 June 2012


Why does nothing EVER go the way you plan?

The shop was meant to close at midnight last night... I had a couple of last minute customers with problem orders outstanding, so needed to leave it open for a while...

Intended to close first thing this morning... and what do you know..... Technical difficulties!!!

I'm able to make certain changes, like remove all the categories from view...but can't remove products, unneeded pages, or add a closed message!!

I'm trying desperately to get an answer from the hosting company, but not getting anywhere at the mo!!

So if you want to sneek an order in, some products can still be found, and added to your basket from the homepage...

Great for those of you that thought you'd missed out...

The shop will close at some point today!!! fingers crossed!...
if you do manage to sneek an order in.... don't worry, you will be able to access your account still for 2 weeks, so will be able to download your order with no worries....

also, hubby was meant to be replacing the kitchen worktop today.... so turned off the water, emptied all the cupboards, ripped out the sink, removed the old worktop.... opened the new one....
BIG dent in it...!!!!
so now we have to wait for a new one, and have no sink!

wish me luck... slowly losing my patience here...


Thursday, 7 June 2012

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag...... the eagle eyed among you might have spotted some little snippets of news while wandering around blog land this morning....

Anyone seen this little logo?

YEP its true... you are now able to buy Pollycraft stamps at Little Miss Muffet!!
AND.... there are 2 BRAND NEW images available!!!
Swings and Slides 'Butterflies'
Luna Bitterfrost 'Birthdays Rock'
I have to admit to being just a weeny bit excited about this... I hadn't even contemplated the idea of other people wanting to sell my stuff, so this oppurtunity came as a bit of a shock!!
now I can still enjoy creating new images... sit back and watch the amazing LMMS girls create projects with them... but still get to spend plenty of time with my family, and not have to worry about all the little things that were getting on top of me!!!
Can you hear the sigh of relief?
anyway, I don't know all the full deets, BUT I think today is release day... and Barbara also has a FABBY new release of her own, and a *special offer* too!!
pop on over for all the info!!

Little Miss Muffet Challenges
make sure you pay the lovely Barbara and her fab DT a visit.... and say hello!
I think tomorrow they will be showing off some inspiration with the new stamps!! EXCITING?!?!

I can't wait to see what you all create with the new digis!

well I'll finish with a final...woohooooooooo!!!!

Paula xxxxx

p.s...i'll be back a little later with some final pollycraft waffle... ;)
catch you soon!!


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Who likes suprises?

Hi all!
I hope everyone is well??
Wow its gone so quick since I announced closing! I can't believe its now only 3 days till Pollycraft closes its doors! :(
I'll be honest...although it feels like a relief to be free from the stressful side of it all... after all your lovely messages, I do feel VERY sad to be saying goodbye!!

HOWEVER... I have news!!
I'm not revealing too much just yet... BUT what I can say is....
 you haven't seen the last of my doodles!!!...

I have a surprise in store for you...
(and to be perfectly honest... its been a bit of a suprise to me!!)

There will be two NEW Doodles from moi available to purchase on Friday... BUT you will have to buy them from elsewhere!...

ooooooohhhhh EXCITING!!!

Without giving away too much, I can tell you that you will still be seeing several of my past DT members creating with my images... AND... my doodles will be sharing a home with some gorgeous Nursery rhymes!!

Any Guesses?

Well... thats all I'm saying!!!

Catch you soon....
Paula xxxxxx

Thursday, 31 May 2012

A Special Celebration Digi

Morning All...

Blimey, theres more going on here since i've been closing than there has in the last year.... lol!

I got asked recently by the lovely Tiets, if I could design a new digi for her fabulous club...
Tiets is celebrating 8 years of running her cardmaking club.... WOW congratulations Tiets!!
heres to the next 8.....

If you are a member of the club, you can ask Tiets for the digi for FREE (conditions apply)
if not, you can buy it HERE...

So here she is .....
perfect for a celebration....dont ya think?

And here is the STUNNING card Tiets has made with her....
one word.....WOW!!!

Don't forget that you now only have one week left to grab your bargain digis before the shop closes...

and remember...if you've made anything with your pollycraft digis....
show it off...
join the linky party HERE

I'll be back soon ;)


Monday, 28 May 2012

Its Party time!! come and link up your Pollycraft creations!

Hey All!!
Told you I'd be back didnt I...
Who's up for a party??

I've often wondered over the years, how many bloggers there are out there that I've not stumbled across... and how many of them have got creations on their blogs using my digis...
So I thought it might be fun to have a little farewell share...

in the form of a LINKY PARTY!!
the party will last until the shop closes on the 8th June...
and is really just a way for customers, fans, DT members and anyone else to share their Pollycraft creations... with everyone else!

There are no rules as such, and no set theme either...
unfortunately there arent any prizes... its just for fun.
consider it way to show off your blog, and to discover new blogs...
projects don't need to be new... you are welcome to share an older project thats your favourite!!
please share it in a new post though, and mention the linky party!
(no backlinks please)

all you have to do is add a direct link to the blog post that contains your creation!

Really hoping lots of you join in.... I know there are LOADS of Pollycraft creations out there... and I want to see 'em!!
 just link up your creations below...

Have fun!
This collection has been deleted by its author
powered by inlinkz

Thursday, 24 May 2012

2 weeks left till close.... and a thankyou freebie...

Afternoon everybody!
I hope everyones well, and all those in the UK are enjoying the lovely weather?

I'm not enjoying it as much as I should :(
I'm full of flu!
The heats bothering me due to getting bigger, and constantly coughing is hurting my ribs, which are already hurting due to everything being squashed by bubs!!

right, thats my moan out of the way...

I wanted to say a huge THANKYOU for all the lovely messages of support you left on my last post...
reading them, in a funny way made me feel a bit better about everything!
and it was so nice to get so many emails too... I'm so grateful to you all for being so wonderful, and for helping me realise that I'm doing the right thing!

and as so many of you have said, maybe it doesn't have to be forever.....
I'll still be around on this blog from time to time...
and the itch is still there for drawing at the mo... (I think now the pressure has gone)
so you may still get freebies every now and then... ;)
so do keep popping over still...

anyway... I wanted to remind everyone that there's only 2 weeks now till Pollycraft closes its doors...

if you've not got the digis you want better hurry!!
you don't want to miss out on these fabulous deals...

and heres a little something extra for you all to say thank you...

Sapphire Bloom - Grateful
 I reckon I like this lil character... I'm sure you'd have seen alot more of her had I continued with the shop...
heres a sentiment to go with her...

hope you enjoy using her... remember freebies are still covered by standard terms of use
and its nice to know where she's going... so if you take her, please leave me a comment...

I'll be back in a couple of days, cos I have something fun planned...

watch this space...


Thursday, 17 May 2012

Difficult decisions, Extra freebies,New Releases and Choose your own closing down Bargain offer!

Hi Everyone!
Well, If you've read the title, I'm sure you've already got the general idea of what this post is about!
Its going to be a difficult post to write, and a LONG one to read, so be warned!!

on the upside, there are nice additions along the way, including NOT TO BE MISSED offers...  FREEBIEs, and some NEW RELEASES!

So... buckle up... the ride is about to start...

As you may, or may not know.... Pollycraft started its life on ebay... around 6 years ago!
(I know... THAT long!)
back then I was selling printable decoupage sheets (digis weren't even around then!)

I remember a customer emailing me asking me if they could have one of the designs in different colours...
Then I got to thinking...wouldn't it be better if people could choose colours themselves...
So I had the idea of creating uncoloured designs...
at the time, I was calling them 'Stamped effect images'... or something like!
they were really rubbish quality and were very much like sketches, rather than clean line drawings...
Still, at the time, I popped a few on ebay, and they sold like hot cakes!!

Soon I was earning enough to leave my part time job at sainsburys!! and decided to set up my own website...
A customer advised me to start a blog to get more interest in my work...and then the fun began!
A well known blogger ;) bought some 'stamped effect images' and said could I 'clean them up' a bit so they looked like other digital stamps...
I didnt even know digital stamps existed!!! lol...
 so I did a bit of research and found a couple of other online shops selling a similar thing...

so mine became digital stamps too...
as a regular blogger, I made some new crafty friends...
we set up a challenge blog, and Pollycraft gradually became what it is today!!

So here we are 6 years later, and its been a BLAST!! I'm made some fabulous friends, I've LOVED seeing my designs popping up all over blog land... and I've lived what for so many people is a dream come true!
I've succesfully run my own craft business!!

As the old saying goes though... all good things must come to an end... and sadly I feel its THAT time for Pollycraft :(

As you know, my home circumstances are due to change dramatically! with bubs due to arrive in only 12 weeks time!
The last year or so has also been a year of ups and downs, and real life sometimes just makes you take a BIG step back and look at everything in a new light...

Crafting and blogging has changed so much in the last couple of years, and I don't think I love it the way I used to... Crafting became a chore when it became part of work... and blogging soon felt the same!

I found that I was stressing myself out too much over it all, and this was having a negative effect on my health, and in turn my family...
Now I feel like I've been offered a second chance and a new start, and want to do whats best for my family, and somehow pollycraft doesn't fit in with my plan.....

Its been such a difficult decision as I'm sure you'll understand, but as a family we have decided that at least for the foreseeable future Pollycraft will be closing...

Its been an upsetting few weeks, since the decision was made... and I've been holding off making any announcements... a, because I was so  upset about it.., and b, because I was sure I'd end up changing my mind!

it feels right now though... and I know I'm doing the right thing.

The shop will close on the 8th June
So.... sad announcements out of the way, and as parting gifts of sorts....
 lets have some bargains, freebies and new stuff shall we?....

The current build a bundle deal is still running, BUT with BIG reductions!!

Thats £1.00 off the original prices!
so in other words... 10 digis for just under 25p each!!
and 20 digis for just under 20p each!!!

if you don't have the time to add 20 individual images to your basket, and don't have too many digis already...

Try the new Latest and Greatest bundle!!

this is a new MEGA bundle deal containing over 100 digis!!
it contains all the Pollycraft best sellers... and the most recent additions....
including the 3 newest releases!!
But the best thing?.....

its just £9.50!!
 making them less than 10p each!!!

Here are the 3 new releases, which are included in the 100 Mega bundle, but are also available separately...

Biscuit - Fishy Friends

Card by Jane

Luna Bitterfrost - Steampunk rocks

Card by Mary J

Sapphire Bloom - Toadstool

Card by Arabella

Aren't my DT the best!?!?! I'm so going to miss seeing what they create with my little digis!

So, I suppose this is a goodbye of sorts...
I'll still be updating my blog over the coming weeks, so its not really goodbye yet...
(and of course I'll be letting you all know when my little fella makes an appearance! ;))

For now though I'd like to thank all my loyal customers, all my blogging friends and followers, and all my WONDERFUL, AMAZING DT girls, past and present...
I'm still amazed every day that such talented designers are willing to create with my digis... I LOVE seeing what you all do with them, and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for EVERYTHING!!!

anyway, thats me for now... (blubbering has started!)

as an extra parting gift...
Heres a couple of FREEBIEs for you...

This is Hugo... just click on him to download....

And this is Monster Pants...

Hope you have fun with them!

well.... I suppose theres nothing more to say just yet...

I'll be back when I get a sec...

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Build your own BARGAIN BUNDLE!!

Good Morning all!!

Well I had a bit of a brainwave the other day... (I know!! even with my baby brain, I do sometimes get good ideas!)

Bundle deals have always been popular, but they always contained a full range of the same character...
BUT NOW!!...........

You can choose whatever characters you like, and create your own bundle of either 10 or 20 digis for a BARGAIN price!!!

simply add any digis you like to your basket, and add the code BUNDLE10 if you've chosen 10 digis OR BUNDLE20 if you've chosen 20!!

at the moment I have no plans to create new images, due to not being able to sit at my desk comfortably ;)
(Bump is getting rather large all of a sudden)
So this is my way of offering you something else instead!!

(well actually, I do have 3 new images ready, but they are being saved for a special occasion ;))

Did you see my post yesterday??
Loads of crafty stuff up for auction on ebay...


Thanks for stopping by... have a good weekend!!
Paula xxxx

Friday, 4 May 2012

A BIG crafty clearout....

Hi all!

Thanks for all your lovely comments on our exciting news!

I'm just popping in to let you know I'm having a craft clearout and am currently listing LOTS of unwanted crafty stuff on ebay

I'm really sad to be saying goodbye to lots of it, but to be honest, alot has been sitting unloved for a while, and as we need some extra pennies for our new arrival... and we need to clear my craft room to make way for a play/games room... its time to let someone else use it...

There are loads of stamps inc Sugar Nellie, Whiff of Joy, Magnolia, Lili of the valley, TGF,Gorjuss etc...
also charms, flowers, dies, CD's etc etc...

pop over and have a looksie... you might grab a bargain or 2!!

P.s More is being added all the time, so keep checking back (I'm currently in the middle of listing about 25 Sugar Nellie stamps)

Friday, 27 April 2012

A Happy Announcement!

Hello Everyone!

I'm here finally with the EXCITING news I've been promising to share for a while now...

We are expecting!!!

Yep! thats why I've been so distant and all over the place... I am in a complete baby bubble!!
I'm actually due in just 14 weeks... So not long now...
We are all SUPER excited!!

Even big brother to be Callum who will be 13 Tomorrow!!! (OMG!!)

We found out at my scan a few weeks ago that we are having another little man...
and here he is....

This will mean that things will continue to be a bit hit and miss on my blog, and in the shop...  but you are all used to that by now!!

I am giving up card making for the foreseeable future :( I have ZERO Mojo... and its starting to become difficult to sit at my desk... plus I know when my lil fella arrives I'll be otherwise occupied!

So, thats my news...

So excited!!

oh, and don't forget the 50% discount offer ends on Sunday...

Use code: APR50

Saturday, 21 April 2012

50% off 2 digis or more, and 12 new releases!

Just a quick post today to let you know about a FAB offer in the shop!

Yep!! thats a whole order of 2 digis or more for HALF PRICE!!!

even better than that! theres 12 New digis to choose from too!

Check them all out in the SHOP

AND... I've been havin a sort out of categories, so 'hopefully' it will be easier to find what you are after!

I'll be back later

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Happy Mothers Day (Take 25% off Digi stamps)

Happy Mothers Day!!

Celebrate the special women in our lives, and take 25% off Digis!!

use the code: MAR25

(Valid until Sun 25th March)


Monday, 12 March 2012

Where do the months go?... New releases and a FREEBIE!!

Good morning all!
Well its been a while again hasn't it??
This year so far just seems to be passing by without me noticing!

I do have various reasons for being a bit distant...
most of them are super EXCITING and will be revealed VERY soon!! ;)

heres todays excitement...

Firstly theres a NEW FREEBIE in the shop...

Go and grab yourself FERGUSON THE HEDGEHOG now!!

He's pretty versatile, and can be used for loads of different occasions...
Check out some examples from the DT...




Fab or what???

ALSO today theres some more new releases...

2 New Spring themed Swings And Slides...


And Lil Bunny 99p



meet the rather handsome BARCLAY...

Star 99p

Tie 99p

At Sea 99p

 Slam Dunk 99p
I'll be back VERY soon to show you some Barclay Samples...
This post is already getting a bit picture heavy, and I don't want him to get too lost....

Don't forget we have set a new challenge for you today over at the Pollycraft Challenge...

I've designed a sketch for you to follow...

Why not grab one of the new releases and join in!!??

Theres a fab prize up for grabs, and if you are picked as a favourite, you get to choose a FREE digi!!

Thanks for stopping by today!

Paula xxxx

Friday, 17 February 2012

yooo-hoooo... its me! And I've bought a friend...(Meet Celeste Amberglow)

Yes... it really is me!! Honestly!!
I know... I know!! I'm an awful blogger, and just generally useless...
I do have my reasons, but we'll not go into them eh?
All that matters is...
I'M BACK!!!!!

I can't believe I last posted back in November! how shocking is that? HUGE thanks to those who sent lovely messages asking after me... its lovely to know I was missed! I'm here to introduce you to a new girl who's just come to live at Pollycraft...




There are 6 NEW images in this range, all at just 99p each!!
I hope you like her?

Heres some AMAZING DT creations featuring the new girl herself...







Aren't they all GORGEOUS!!!


Thanks for visiting today...
I'll be back soon with a project to show you, and I have something VERY EXCITING to tell you!!
