
Thursday, 23 October 2008


No... you are not seeing things...I am posting twice in one day...... please sit down if you are not already...LOL!

If you read the previous post, you'll know that I mentioned coming up with my own award... so as not to keep re-awarding the same people.....

So here it is.....

Now as you know I'm not one for rules.... there will be none of the old you must award to so many people and link back to me etc.......

This award is for you to give to anyone who has made a difference to you.... brightened your day... given you inspiration, made you smile...... and...... once you have it you can re-use it.... people make a difference to us everyday..... so we should tell them!! why wait till we have a new award to give them...recycle!!!

It can be one person.... 10 people 100 people...... just let people know you think they are a star!!!

so I'm nominating 2 people today... both for different reasons......

Wheezie-Wheezies world I've only just discovered this blog, and I'm so glad i did....Wheezie entered the current challenge using a Milly download.... and I don't know why, but I just fell in love with her card, and it really inspired me this week....I went out and bought the papers that had been used, and printed off loads of Millys...... (Little hint at my DT team entry for this weeks challenge.....shhhhh) you can see Wheezies entry here ...So wheezie... you are a star!! Thank you for inspiring me this week.....

Poppet-Poppets place Pops.... you make me laugh SO hard every single day!!even when you aren't having the best day yourself, you can always make me smile.... You are an inspiration... and a STAR!! Thank you for being you xxx

If you've not been mentioned .... dont fall out with me...LOL!..... remember the award can be recycled.... everyday somebody does something that means the world to me.... can't mention everybody all in one go... doesn't mean as much then!

I've got to share this with you:

As i was writing the top part of this little man decided to share a poem with me.... that he had written HIMSELF at school today.....

you'll love this....

If I were an animal

If I were an animal I'd be a bat

or a rabbid rat

what about a monkey?

theyre really funky

maybe a dog?

or a weird warthog!

I want to be something wild and free..

I know, a Lion, that would suit me!

How Brilliant is that!!! I'm so impressed with him!!

Doesnt get it from me thats for sure.....

Off to bed now..... can't believe we are up this late...still no school tomorrow....nice lie in!!!

Paula xxx


  1. Thank you hun, that was so nice, but think you must be blind lol...
    Tell Callum i am amazed by that poem it is very good and i love it...
    Hugs Pops x x x

  2. What a brilliant poem, no wonder you are proud! How old is he??
    Love Becky xx
