Monday, 11 May 2015

I'm back!!! Has it really been 17 months???

Just sneaking in...wondering if anyone will notice me... tee hee

Well, I'll be honest, I genuinely believed I would never be posting another blog post, yet here I am after 17 months!! 
YES, its last post was when our little princess Evie was born, gosh that's gone by in a flash...

I have so much to share with you, but I won't bore you with it all at once... 
plus I'd rather know if anyone is still reading before I type out a mahooosive post... especially since I have a sticky 'e' and 'g' key and I have to keep retyping everything...grrrr!

so... probably the bit you might be interested in is that I've decided to start selling digis again!! 

For the foreseeable future, I'll be selling though my new Etsy store ink22 designs 
I didn't really want to open up Pollycraft again, as it was. Plus, I'm hoping to 'branch out' a little bit... so I needed a bit of a fresh start!!

There's a couple of new digis on there...
Phoebe-'Snapshot le Paris'
Fox in Finery
 And a few others from my back catalogue...

so....there you go...  the long and short of it is...I'm back!!!

It feels weird to be blogging again, I'm completely out of practice, and I have no idea what's going on in the craft/blog world, and who is still 'out there' 
Please say Hi if you read this, so I can catch up with you!!!

I'll be back soon to share some pics of my little monkeys, and to give you an update on everything that's been going on since I was last around!!

looking forward to you saying hello!....anyone?.....someone?...



Nancy said...

LOL Yes! Still reading...and waiting! Welcome back! Can't wait to see/hear more! :o)

Aunty Sue said...

Oh what great news so glad to see you back. Cant wait to see what you have for us. Hope you are all well. So good to see you posting. If you start challenges up again I will be interested.

Tigger a(r)t work said...

looooooooooooooooooooong time no read *lol*.
Good to "see" you :)
Welcome back and big Hugs,

Ali said...

Yay!!! lovely to have you back - hope you and your family are well - if I remember rightly your daughter arrived a tad early :-) so hope she is well and getting to be a big girl!! Look forward to more posts - take care xx

Lisa xx said...

Hi lovely to see you back in the lamd of blog, has it really been that long! Will be watching your blog with keen interest xx

Crafty Mamma Mia said...

I'm here Paula ... Hi and welcome back to Blogland!

Looking forward to seeing more of your lovely work and hearing about your growing family.

Take care,
Helen x

Angela Toucan said...

Hello, and bless you. So nice to see you are feeling in a drawing and blogging mode again.
All the best to you
from Angela.

Creations by Shirl said...

Hi Paula!
It's glad to know that you are back track again... LOL! Wow 17 months sure was a long time... I'm sure everyone has grown quite a bit too.
I will have to go and check out your new etsy store..... Welcome back and can't wait to see and know what you will be sharing with all of us soon....Take care!

Amanda said...

Nice to see a post from you and yay I can get some new images. Hugs, Amanda x

lis-m said...

Hi Paula, welcome back!!!!!
I am so thrilled to read this.... I have bought Pollycraft in rubber, whilst you been busy with your little ones, but I love , love ,love digi's, they are so versatile... Can't wait to see your work around blog land again... I am off to checkout your Etsy store !
Lis-m xx

Sue said...

Hello Paula.
I am so happy to see you back and really pleased that you are selling digis again too.
Sue xx

Paula said...

Welcome Back Paula! Looking forward to seeing your new "store"!

Donna Mosley said...

OMG! it is soooooo wonderful to hear from you Paula. Welcome back hun. Hope your lovely family is all happy & well. Been getting my Pollycraft fix in rubber but I'm off to your new store to check out the new designs with a HUGE smile on my face.

Donna x

Jo said... happy to see you back.....doesn't time fly?
Jo x

cardmaking bird said...

Yay!!!! So happy to have you back and a weird coincidence that I'm 'making a comeback' at the same time!!?? Welcome back! I look forward to hearing your news! Can't wait to see all the digi's that you're going to be releasing - and on that note, I'm off to etsy to buy the ones that are on there now!! Hugs, Marie x

ribenaruby said...

Welcome back Paula, great to hear from you. I'll be back to blogging too! Ruby x

Ellen said...

I say hi to you Paula! Great to see you back. I will surely read your posts and I'm looking forward to all your ideas!
Have a great new blogging time...

groetjes, Ellen

Grá O'Neill said...

Hi! Lovely images, glad to see your back :)

Susan said...

Hi - Great to see you back - welcome home ;0)

Denise R said...

welcome back. Looking forward to hearing more from you and what has been happening.So glad to know you are back in business. Hugs...

Unknown said...

Lol, I was smiling when I was reading this! Yes I'm here and welcome back! Usually I unsubscribe when someone stops blogging but for some reason, I kept yours and I'm glad I did! I love your digis!!! Can't wait to see your munchkins :-)

KJ said...

So nice to hear from you again and welcome back :-D x

Pop's Cards said...

Hi stranger, so pleased to read this, hope your all doing well hugs Pops x

MelodyR aka Ry&MysMom said...

Hi there! So very glad to get a post notification from you in my email :). I haven't blogged in a loooooong time either due to being busy with the family. I haven't made much cards nor coloring in a long time either. Looking forward to getting more post alert from you for inspiration.

Annie said...

Oh so glad to see you back - saw a fab card on a blog and noticed the digi was by Pollycraft so immediately clicked on the link. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Still have so many of your stamps that I still love and use now and again.
Annie xxx