Monday 16 February 2009

Pollycraft Challenge *9* Think Pink!!

Well its time for another Challenge over at the POLLYCRAFT MONDAY CHALLENGE
This time DIANE has set the challenge, and she would like us to use ~PINK~
I decided to make an ATC for this challenge........

I used Sharing Sherbet Seeds of love stamp coloured with promarkers and colouring pencils.
Cut just her top half out with my X-cut circle cutter and drew a thick black line around the edge.
Papers are basic grey~sugared..... ribbon is american crafts. added some little clear dewdrops and some doodling...and thats about it...

Hope you can join in with us this week.... theres a Billie 'Daisy Chains' stamp up for grabs!!
Thanks for looking!!
Paula xxxx


Annie said...

oh so cute.

Ann xxx

Carol said...

Love the ATC

Enjoy half term - not sure I'll get much play time this week :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula!

I just love what you did with this Sharing Sherbet! Such pretty colors and she is really cute. I can't wait for mine to arrive.
Are your Letraset markers similar to the COPICS?

Unknown said...

Fab ATC Paula.

Joanne x

Anonymous said...

hi hun, this is sooo gorgeous, your colouring looks amazing! ive got a zillion blogs to get round today so ill speak to you later darling
love n hugs
emma xxx

Anonymous said...

hi again, sorry forgot to say pop over to my blog theres a hug waiting for you
all my love emma xxx

ella bella said...

Hi Paula your ATC is fabulous, love the colours and gorgeous image.
hope you are having a good week
Tracy x

coldwaters2 said...

Hiya I have just received some new Pollycraft stamps and love them entering this challenge has given me a chance to use them my entry to this weeks challenge is on my blog

Lorraine x

PattiM said...

My first Pollycraft challenge with my favorite color, pink. Thanks for the challenge!



(Pattie's passion)

I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!

CraftyC said...

Brilliant ATC, love the colours and a fab image!

Katy said...

Gorgeous card :)


Autumn Rose Crafts said...

Really gorgeous, I love your colouring techniques too Sarah x

neverenoughrubberstamps said...

Wonderful Card!



Becky said...

Love your ATC Paula, I really love how you've cropped her head, looks brill!
Love Becky xx

Mephisto said...

Wonderful Idea. I like all the sweet Images.

Here is my Card


simplyfairies said...

Pretty in pink it's gorgeous Paula...

thread-bare said...

Gorgeous ATC xx This is my first time here xx Here's mine!

Clare xx

Lana Clarke said...

OMG I only just found pollycraft and I am so thrilled. You do some gorgeous designs...
I love your work
Lana x

JACKIE said...

well as usual I am at the last minute with my entry least I'm will find my card here, hugs Jackie xx