Monday, 22 December 2008
I think this is probably the last time you will hear from me now till after the big day!!
Just popped in to wish each and every one of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
I've only been blogging for about 7 months, but in that time I have made the most amazing friends, got so much inspiration, and had such a brilliant time!! Thanks go out to everyone who has left me a comment, or sent me a lovely email, you are all the most amazing bunch, and I'm looking forward to spending 2009 in blogworld with you all!!
I'll be back after Christmas, hopefully with some sneek peeks of new designs for the new year...
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Congratulations to MARIJKE!!
We have all got flu, and have still not wrapped presents, or finished writing and delivering cards!
Hubby has got another chest infection!(only had one in September, and took weeks to get over it!!)
We are slowly trying to get finished off when we have a little bit of energy(which isn't often!)
so i'm sorry for not leaving comments and taking ages to reply to emails!!
Anyway, depressing stuff out of the way... I wanted to show you this....
MARIJKE has won card of the week over at a CLUB she belongs to in Holland! and on her card she has used the Winter Elves~ Joyous stamp and very cleverly added aphabet beads on a string to make it look like they are being held!
Check out the card below........
Congratulations Marijke!!! and thanks for sharing your news!!! Your card is gorgeous!!!
Well thats me for now.....
Paula xxx
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
And the Winner is.............
The Winner picked at random by was......Number 14!! which was....
Please could you get in touch with me (link on the side bar) whenever you are ready, with your address details??
Thanks again for entering everybody...... I really wish I had the time to make another 130 odd books.....
Paula xxx
Woodland elves Candy now Closed!!!
The draw is now closed.....
I'll post very shortly to announce the name of the Winner (got a bit of counting to do!)...... Please check back soon......
Paula xx
Woodland Elves...OOAK Candy to be won!!!
Okay.... Want to get your hands on a one of a kind handmade Gift?

All you have to do is add a post and Link to THIS candy on your blog, and leave me a comment on this post!
Thats it!!
Winner will be picked at random on the 10th of December (The day after stamps are released) at around 10 am....
Good luck everyone.....!!
Now for more pics........
Good luck everyone, and remember, a link on your blog, and a comment on mine.....thats it!!
Monday, 8 December 2008
Pollycraft challenge 5 Make a male card....
This time the challenge over at POLLYCRAFT MONDAY CHALLENGE has been set by Emma w
and Emma wants you to make a male birthday card....for any age....
As Emma rightly told us, it IS meant to be a challenge... but come on girl....male cards!!!!!!
I did mutter a few choice words when I found out about this one......
anyway..... choice words out of the way...heres my card.....
I chose not to decoupage him, because i'm rubbish at it, and instead added a few additional highlights and mounted him onto a cuttlebug embossed circle..... all the papers are from the basics set..... and the sentiment is a mix of dodgy handwriting and die cuts....
green lace is making memories {note worthy}
Emma.....I know I got really frustrated with this challenge at first... but I had fun really..... Thanks for giving us something to think about...and a break from christmas cards!!
Pop over to the Challenge blog to see the rest of the teams cards... and to see what the prize is this week....
Sorry its such a short post..... I'm writing it at midnight Sunday night and scheduling it....I don't think i'll be sleeping tonight as there is rather a difficult Design Team decision to be made!!!
Paula xxx
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Back in the land of the living......
My little man was sick Wednesday too..... which really couldn't have come at a worse time! Hubby came home from work early and looked after us both though....bless him!!Not feeling 100% yet, but need to get on top of i'm being a brave soldier.....
Just a couple of things to mention....
The Mary Lous shoes stamps have all of a sudden just started selling like hotcakes!! and 6 have been showing as out of stock for a couple of days, I do have a small amount of stock of some of them, as I also sell through ebay....I've now put these back in the shop.... but they won't last long....
The New Woodland Elves Stamps will be available to buy on Tuesday 9th December..... I'll be adding some special Candy of the Elf Variety later on.....
And......Most downloads in the shop are reduced from now until the 15th..... some are 50% off! if you've not finished your last minute Christmas cards yet...pop over and grab a bargain.....
well thats me...
Hope you are all flu free......
Paula xx
Friday, 28 November 2008
'Reflection' and 'Experimentation'.....
I had intended to post some 'Reflection' cards last night..... but I got a bit carried away playing about with the artwork for the Woodland Elves......(more about those later...)
The first is coloured with promarkers, mounted onto two circles cut with my xcut....Papers DCWV rose tinted christmas, making memories ribbon and a punched snowflake.
For the second I had a point to prove to my hubby..... He's been complaining that he spent nearly £30 on colouring pencils that I never use... and he says I could have got the same effect with 99p ones from the supermarket..... well I think not!! so I've given my promarkers a well deserved rest and had a play with my pencils.... these are blendable colouring pencils from derwent.... and I'm really pleased with how they colour... I'm not sure super market jobbies could measure up... and hubby has agreed....1 to me!!!
I've added a few highlights with fineliners, which I also used to write the sentiment. The bottom of the card has been embossed with a cuttlebug folder and rubbed down with sandpaper, you can't really see it on the pic, but it feels amazing!!
Lace , ribbon, flower and button from stash... and thats about it.....
After I posted the sneek peeks of the new stamps last night, I couldn't resist having a bit of a mess about with the images....
I printed some of the artwork off, and got out my special (much better than 99p jobbies) pencils...
And had a play about with colouring and layering....
These have been printed at roughly the size of the finished stamps..... so it gave me a good idea of how the images can be used together.....
These aren't officially named yet so I can't tell you which i've used, but I've layered 3 different images, the sitting couple, the tree and the small bird...
if you look closely it is a little messy, as i roughly cut the images just to get an idea of sizing... but you get the idea...
Just added some little beads to the tree, and a bit of ribbon, The sentiment is hand written.
I do have more little 'fairytale' scenes in mind, but I won't show you yet, because I think i've teased you enough....
Have a fab evening!!!
Paula xx
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Sneeky Peeks!!! Woodland Elves and Twirls Additions...
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Meet Wilbur and Albert.....
I know its been an age since I added any new downloads to the shop, so I thought it was about time I got my finger out!! I'm breaking myself in gently though... just a couple for now..
Meet 2 little cuties... named Wilbur and Albert.
Click the above image to go to the shop
I'm dedicating these guys to a friend, not sure if you still read my blog, but if you do, you know where the names have come from, and you know who you are...!!! xx
These come as a 2 sheet pdf download
1 sheet coloured, one uncoloured...
3 different designs
2 of each design per sheet
Here are a couple of quick cards I made using them...
I'm hoping to get some more designed this week... and I'll have some sneek peaks of some new From The Heart stamps very soon.......
Thanks for looking......
P.s Pops..... I used my little gadget on the second one...LOOK!!! (Thanks!)
Monday, 24 November 2008
Pollycraft Challenge 4 Choose a Challenge
For my second I've used the Winter Elves Devotion stamp again coloured with promarkers. The papers are the Free Download designed for the challenge.
The Ribbon is making memories {note worthy}
Charm brads and flowers from stash...
and a bit of doodling...
Now the window was once again cut using my trusty nutella jar as a template (lol)....BUT I don't need to struggle any more...cos my amazing, brilliant, wonderful friend Pops has bought me a fabby x-cut cutting tool and circle shapes How lovely is that!?!? Pops, I love you SO much!! you are just the best!!!
get yourself over to the challenge blog to see the other DT's FAB creations, AND info on what you need to do if you'd like to join the pollycraft Design Team.......
We look forward to seeing what you create this time...
Paula xxxx
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Some cards, and a little beauty called 'reflection'....
Me and hubby tried to guess an order amount, that we hoped would last the week, until we could place another order..... well how wrong were we!!!? this little beauty didnt even last 48 hours....
I am hoping to have a larger amount of stock of these available this week, as soon as I have a better idea of a definate date, I will be sure to let you know!! If you'd like to reserve one of these now, just email me...
Now I know this is REALLY naughty, showing you something you can't get your mits on at the moment.... but I wanted to show you what I've been doing today.....
For the first time in AGES, i've had a whole day to play with my crafty bits, so I made the most of it... although I did spend a little bit too long on this....
Wanted to try something a bit different to what I normally do..... the problem is...I don't have any fancy tools, so everything had to be cut freehand..... which is why it took a while....
The papers are all DCWV from the old world mat stack.... got these half price from the NEC hobbycrafts show on Friday....Bargain!! wish I'd bought loads now, I adore them, and they work brilliantly with these stamps....
For the cut out, I drew around a nutella jar..LOL.... first the top rim, and then flipped it over and drew around the bottom rim... to create 2 circles, one inside the other, I only cut out the smaller circle, leaving the larger circle as a frame around the edge... I then coloured the 'frame' with promarkers. the dark card was cut afterwards with scalloped edge scissors.... using the same nutella jar template, and a bit of careful lining up.... (you can see why it took ages right?) the lighter card down the centre was cut with wavy edge scissors, and attached slighty short of the edge to leave a white band down the very centre... which I added doodling to.... not sure if you can see it!... the fastening is just a ribbon either side, threaded through an eyelet. I used photo fasteners at the bottom, which I originally thought would hold the card shut, but it didnt quite work.... still, I like how they look!!
Dots added with a white pen to finish......
And then the inside....
Image is coloured with promarkers, I also coloured a square around her in blue. around the edges of the image I added some doodled 'stitching' with a staedtler triplus fineliner (if you've never seen these I highly recommend them!! they are great for doodling, and also for adding highlights to your colouring... a set of 10 costs around £7 in craft shops, but you can pick them up for around £3 in supermarkets!)
I also doodled down the sides of the paper, and the sentiment is handwritten in the same pens.
I added the stars with a white pen, to make the paper look a little more christmassy!
and thats it.....
Want to make more of these I think, but need to find a quicker method...I think this took me about 2 and a half hours!
I've also made a couple of cards for challenges, but they are on my other blog....I don't like to put them on here, because its like I'm using the challenge to promote the shop, and I think thats unfair...but if you want to have a look at them they are here
hope you've all had a great weekend...
Paula xx
Monday, 10 November 2008
Pollycraft Challenge *3* DT News and other bits!!
Doesn't seem 5 minutes since I was doing my post for the last challenge!!
This time the challenge over at POLLYCRAFT MONDAY CHALLENGE has been set by the wonderful POPPET
And the challenge is to use at least 3 circles in your project....
Hmmmm...I've got to admit this one scared me a bit, cos I'm not really one for circles.... however I think its a fab challenge, and I loved making my card....
and here it is.....

I've used the Colour it yourself santa with gift and coloured him with promarkers.... The backing papers are DCWV and I've used sandpaper to 'distress' the edges... the flourish circle stamp is from the new From The Heart Range.I've cut it out and doodled the sentiment, then coloured the inner circle with promarkers, and also added a bit of the same colour to the edge. For the top circle, I used the same stamp again, but cut off most of the swirls, then just added a bit of colour with promarkers, punched a smaller circle from more DCWV papers, and added a button.
So I think I've covered the circles!!!
Hope you will join us again for this challenge...... hop over to the challenge blog to see the rest of the DT's work..... all fab as usual...
Plus.... you may notice we have a newbie!!!
Another Emma!! (now known as EmmaW... whether she likes it or not!!)
Emma is now a fully fledged Pollycraft DT member... we hope you will make her feel welcome, and pop over to her blog to see her fantastic creations.....
Now then...I've got a bone to pick with you all.......
The From the Heart Winter Elves stamps seem to be a bit of a hit with lots of you ...... I've had one stamp from the range sell out already, and 3 more are now getting very close.....
I'm seeing some absolutely stunning cards using these images on lots of your blogs.... but one little guy is NOT getting any of the limelight......
So I'm giving him his little bit of fame..... cos he is my favourite........

Thursday, 6 November 2008
Stamp Update....
The New From the Heart Stamps are proving FAR more popular than I could Ever have dreamed (although given the current sleep issue, theres not an awful lot of dreaming happening!)
If you pop over to the NEWS page in the shop (which i now promise to update!) you can see which products are limited stock....
Most importantly...
Friday, 31 October 2008
A story 'From The Heart'....
Finding myself awake at 4 in the morning, with nothing on TV... and no clue what to do, I got out my sketch book.....
And came up with this.....and I have to say I was really pleased with it... I'm not the sort of person who is ever happy with my work....I rip everything I do to bits... but this was different!
Then something hit me!!.... I didnt get my sketch book out purposely to create my next designs to sell....I drew what I wanted to draw....A drawing 'from the heart'...
And I think that was the mojo problem.... I was trying too hard!!
So I carried on over the next few days, every night when I couldn't sleep, I'd get my sketchbook out......
There was never an intention to turn these into anything to sell..... I was just enjoying drawing the way I used to draw.... just for the sake of it.... and I was loving it!
But after I'd shown them to a few people, and the more I looked at them, the more they screamed out STAMPS!!
So thats what I did, got them turned into digital drawings ready to go to the stamp manufacturer... and on Tuesday morning......They arrived!!!
And I just had to name them 'From The Heart'........
Click on the image above to go to the shop to view the full range........
I am hoping to have a few more sleepless nights VERY soon... so that the range can be expanded as i'd love to add fairys and pixies......
But first I must get on with some decoupage sheets, as I have been letting those slip a bit....
Hope you are all still awake.....
Paula xxxx
Monday, 27 October 2008
Pollycraft Challenge 2 -Stripes
The challenge this week over at the POLLYCRAFT MONDAY CHALLENGE has been set by the lovely EMMA
this time we have to use stripes.....
Unfortunately we are 1 DT member short from now on, as Tracy has had to leave us due to family commitments....
So this time I thought I'd enter 2 creations... 1 made using a download, and the other using a stamp......
Here are my 'stripes' creations........
The first has been made using the MILLY SNOW DAY download...
Milly has been coloured using promarkers, and I've added glitter touches... I think you can just about make them out on the photo.....also added little pink gems for the baubles on the tree.....
The backing papers are 'DCWV rose tinted christmas'..... sentiment is hand written, and the rest is from stash.... wish i could remember where the snowflake brad was from, cos this was my last one..... if anyone knows.. can they drop me a line please...... For this one I've used the BILLIE APRIL SHOWERS stamp, and tried something a little different....
I stamped the image several times at different angles onto a backing paper from the 'Stripes n stuff' paper set and then cut out the umbrella sections, and added them to the main image.... then added little pink gems to the 'points'
The image is coloured with promarkers.... ribbon from making memories, flowers mix of making memories and american crafts... striped brad -making memories, charm from stash.... handwitten sentiment, and a bit of doodling.....(phew)
Dont forget to check out the challenge, and the other design teams entries....
you could get your hands on this 'snowperson' stamp..... We had a great response to the last challenge... thanks to everyone who joined in.... looking forward to seeing what you all create this time.......
got to dash... meant to be helping hubby decorate....... sigh....
Will be back later with some more stamp news......
Paula xxxxx
Thursday, 23 October 2008
If you read the previous post, you'll know that I mentioned coming up with my own award... so as not to keep re-awarding the same people.....
So here it is.....
Now as you know I'm not one for rules.... there will be none of the old you must award to so many people and link back to me etc.......
This award is for you to give to anyone who has made a difference to you.... brightened your day... given you inspiration, made you smile...... and...... once you have it you can re-use it.... people make a difference to us everyday..... so we should tell them!! why wait till we have a new award to give them...recycle!!!
It can be one person.... 10 people 100 people...... just let people know you think they are a star!!!
so I'm nominating 2 people today... both for different reasons......
Wheezie-Wheezies world I've only just discovered this blog, and I'm so glad i did....Wheezie entered the current challenge using a Milly download.... and I don't know why, but I just fell in love with her card, and it really inspired me this week....I went out and bought the papers that had been used, and printed off loads of Millys...... (Little hint at my DT team entry for this weeks challenge.....shhhhh) you can see Wheezies entry here ...So wheezie... you are a star!! Thank you for inspiring me this week.....
Poppet-Poppets place Pops.... you make me laugh SO hard every single day!!even when you aren't having the best day yourself, you can always make me smile.... You are an inspiration... and a STAR!! Thank you for being you xxx
If you've not been mentioned .... dont fall out with me...LOL!..... remember the award can be recycled.... everyday somebody does something that means the world to me.... can't mention everybody all in one go... doesn't mean as much then!
I've got to share this with you:
As i was writing the top part of this little man decided to share a poem with me.... that he had written HIMSELF at school today.....
you'll love this....
If I were an animal
If I were an animal I'd be a bat
or a rabbid rat
what about a monkey?
theyre really funky
maybe a dog?
or a weird warthog!
I want to be something wild and free..
I know, a Lion, that would suit me!
How Brilliant is that!!! I'm so impressed with him!!
Doesnt get it from me thats for sure.....
Off to bed now..... can't believe we are up this late...still no school tomorrow....nice lie in!!!
Paula xxx
awards... and stuff....

and to Emma for this award:

now as usual I'm going to be in trouble with the blog police, Because i'm going to 'bend' the rules a little.......
I'm keeping them both for myself..... so ner ner!!
anybody I would have awarded them to has already got them!!!!
I'm going to come up with my own award later to compensate......
Hoping to get on with some new designs over the weekend.... but I'm afraid my mojo has jumped ship again.....
so if anybody wants to help out by providing me with ideas, inspiration, anything... i'd be VERY grateful....
Thanks again girls for the awards...I'm honoured you thought of me.....
Paula xxx
Monday, 13 October 2008
Pollycraft Monday Challenge *1* Christmas-no red!
Today we have set the VERY first challenge over at the new blog...POLLYCRAFT MONDAY CHALLENGE
And its SOOOOO exciting!! I just can't wait to see what kind of response we get, and to view all your wonderful creations!!
The Design Team (YES...I know, i can't believe I have a DT!!!) have come up with some brilliant cards for this challenge.. please take a look at their blogs for more inspiration... (links on the right)
This week we have challenged you to create a Christmas card without using the most christmassy colour of all....RED
Here is my take....
I've used The MO-Having a ball stamp, but (if you'll pardon the expression) I've cut his ball off! (he should be sitting on a snowball!!) coloured with just normal pencil crayons and highlights added with fineliners...
I've then had him 'sitting on' a strip cut from the Happy-Holly-Days Christmas Wishes papers (which i've just 'aged' slightly by adding some distressed edges, and dots)
Behind this i've used the magnolia swirly star stamp, and added little gems...
The backing papers are DCWV, Flowers and ribbon from my stash, Brad - Laura Ashley.
very 'untraditional' but then ...thats me!!
Hope you like it...
we'd love you to join in with the challenge....
All we ask is that you have at least one pollycraft design on your project... Decoupage...stamped image..backing paper...the choice is yours!
Visit the challenge for more details...
Have fun
Paula xx
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Whats in a name?
You seriously would not believe how difficult this decision was.... there were some really good ones!! (and also some suggestions made by someones husband that never made it into the know who you are!!!)
If you get in touch with your address details...Mary Lou 'Hello sunshine' will be on her way to you....
Now that she's named, she's available to purchase in the shop....
Thank you SO much to everybody for your suggestions... All of them were FAB... it really was SO difficult to choose....
Paula xx
Pollycraft now has a permanent home for challenges!! The POLLYCRAFT MONDAY CHALLENGE
Starting officially on the 13th October we will be holding fortnightly challenges so that you can show off your Pollycraft creations and be in with a chance of winning some LURVELY prizes....
But even more exciting....I have a Design Team!!!
3 amazing women who have become Fab Friends...... all of whom have a unique talent...I feel so honoured to have these women working with me.....
Please pop over and check out their blogs... I'm sure you will find something to inspire you!!
So pop over to The challenge blog and have a looksy, and feel free to pinch the logo to display on your blog.....
Then put the 13th in your diary, and pop back over to see what the first challenge is.... I'm hosting the first... and i'll try to make it an easy (ish)one!!!
Look forward to seeing your creations....
Paula xx
Friday, 3 October 2008
A little help from my friends...
Where on earth does the time go?
If you've popped over to the shop today, you may have noticed a few new additions.....
This is a collection of 9 designs, featuring the VERY cute Mary-Lou.. her sassy sister Billie, and her Friends William, Jade and Felicity.....
Now then the eagle eyed among you will have noticed that there are only 8 available to view in the shop....
Thats where you guys come in........
The 9th Design..(which is actually the very first one I created) has not yet been named!!......
All you have to do is leave me a comment on this post with your suggestion(s) of a name for the stamp. (you can check out the names of the rest of the range if you need ideas)
I'll announce the chosen name next Wednesday, and the WINNER will recieve the stamp as a PRIZE!! and the pride of knowing that you named it!!!
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with...
I'll be back soon with YET MORE exciting news.....
Sorry the links don't go directly to the Mary-Lous shoes page, blogger isn't co-operating tonight...grrrr!
Paula xx