Sunday 16 November 2008

Some cards, and a little beauty called 'reflection'....

Firstly I'd like to apologise to anyone who didnt manage to get their hands on the rather popular 'reflection' stamp this week.
As you know Pollycraft is very very tiny (basically just me and a computer!), and I can't buy massive amounts of stock (yet!)

Me and hubby tried to guess an order amount, that we hoped would last the week, until we could place another order..... well how wrong were we!!!? this little beauty didnt even last 48 hours....

I am hoping to have a larger amount of stock of these available this week, as soon as I have a better idea of a definate date, I will be sure to let you know!! If you'd like to reserve one of these now, just email me...


Now I know this is REALLY naughty, showing you something you can't get your mits on at the moment.... but I wanted to show you what I've been doing today.....

For the first time in AGES, i've had a whole day to play with my crafty bits, so I made the most of it... although I did spend a little bit too long on this....

Wanted to try something a bit different to what I normally do..... the problem is...I don't have any fancy tools, so everything had to be cut freehand..... which is why it took a while....

The papers are all DCWV from the old world mat stack.... got these half price from the NEC hobbycrafts show on Friday....Bargain!! wish I'd bought loads now, I adore them, and they work brilliantly with these stamps....

For the cut out, I drew around a nutella jar..LOL.... first the top rim, and then flipped it over and drew around the bottom rim... to create 2 circles, one inside the other, I only cut out the smaller circle, leaving the larger circle as a frame around the edge... I then coloured the 'frame' with promarkers. the dark card was cut afterwards with scalloped edge scissors.... using the same nutella jar template, and a bit of careful lining up.... (you can see why it took ages right?) the lighter card down the centre was cut with wavy edge scissors, and attached slighty short of the edge to leave a white band down the very centre... which I added doodling to.... not sure if you can see it!... the fastening is just a ribbon either side, threaded through an eyelet. I used photo fasteners at the bottom, which I originally thought would hold the card shut, but it didnt quite work.... still, I like how they look!!

Dots added with a white pen to finish......

And then the inside....

Image is coloured with promarkers, I also coloured a square around her in blue. around the edges of the image I added some doodled 'stitching' with a staedtler triplus fineliner (if you've never seen these I highly recommend them!! they are great for doodling, and also for adding highlights to your colouring... a set of 10 costs around £7 in craft shops, but you can pick them up for around £3 in supermarkets!)

I also doodled down the sides of the paper, and the sentiment is handwritten in the same pens.

I added the stars with a white pen, to make the paper look a little more christmassy!

and thats it.....

Want to make more of these I think, but need to find a quicker method...I think this took me about 2 and a half hours!

I've also made a couple of cards for challenges, but they are on my other blog....I don't like to put them on here, because its like I'm using the challenge to promote the shop, and I think thats unfair...
but if you want to have a look at them they are here

hope you've all had a great weekend...
Paula xx


Diane.W. said...

Gorgeous card & colouring :o)x

Sue said...

ooooh Paula, this is absolutely brilliant, how clever are you eh? you have made a wonderful card with 'Reflection' peeping out and i love the fastners too,they look fabby.It may have taken you a while but is certainly something very special....I loves it :)

I used reflection too, popped her on my blog last night and i also have 'Adornment' colured and waiting to be put together:-)


Ria Zonnestraaltje said...

OHH WOW Paula this is gorgeouss :)
When I saw the first lines of your posting I only thaught OH NOOO SHE IS COMING OUT WITH NEW STAMPS! and I can't buy now ;) hahahahahha lucky me you didn't ;) hahahha

No I am off to see the other cards that you made ;)
BTW I would not feel guilty to promote my work/shop if I were you! ;)

hugs Ria

Anonymous said...

OGM WOW !!! this is gorgeous Paula, i can see why its taken you so long but well worth it, its stunning.
love emma xxx

Sonia said...

Wow Paula i have just discovered your site and WOW these images are lovely :) I will be back .
Hugs Sonia x

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Wow this is fab Paula, love the whole idea of the opening! hugs Linda x

Pambalf said...

I love what you've done with 'reflection' Paula and because I was one of the lucky ones who actually got her I cant wait to try her out!
Pam xx

Pop's Cards said...

pmsl i had both the blogs up and the music was on, its ok i am a muppet tonight but at least i am online :)...

I love this hun, such a gorgeous image as well has to be my favorite...

Massive hugs Pops x x x

Emma said...

OMG what a fab card....I think it was well worth every minute you spent on it. It is really wonderful.
Emma x

crafty amy said...

Wow this is a brilliant card I can't believe you dont have the circle tools it would take me forever without them if I could do it at all!!!

Reflections is gorgeous I am not surprised she is always selling out CONGRATULATIONS

Huge hugs Amy

Emma said...

There is something for you on my blog.
Emma x