Okay.... Want to get your hands on a one of a kind handmade Gift?
AND..... a complete set of 9 of the new, not yet released Woodland Elves stamps?!
Then read on.......
You may remember me mentioning in an earlier post, some more 'Fairytale' Ideas I had in mind....
Well, how about an old fairytale book?

All you have to do is add a post and Link to THIS candy on your blog, and leave me a comment on this post!
Thats it!!
Winner will be picked at random on the 10th of December (The day after stamps are released) at around 10 am....
Good luck everyone.....!!
Now for more pics........
Open the book, and inside is the first page of the story...(okay it doesnt really look THAT effective, but you get the idea!)
Pull the ribbon to turn the first page, and find 9 little present's to unwrap....
You've opened your pressies, and thats the end of the book, from then on, the story is in your hands........
Good luck everyone, and remember, a link on your blog, and a comment on mine.....thats it!!
Okay, so you might not want the book, but £40 worth of stamps before christmas will be nice right?......
Paula xxx
I want your candy....please can I enter?? Pretty please...Lol
Emma x
OMG My greedy little hands are itching to open this book :) Sooo please I want to enter. Your so sweet to give us all a chance on this beautifull blogcandy :)
Now I defenitly need a way to have internet acces next week when we are at Disneyland Paris. I can't wait untill sunday the 14th!!!
Going to post it right away ;)
huggss Ria
Hello! What's a candy! It's really fantastic! I've never seen such a candy... I've linked it in my blog here: http://scrapmooooon.blogspot.com/2008/12/paula-10.html
Thanks for a chance to win!
Wow!! wonderful candy.
It would be a superb christmas present ( for me!)
I've linked you to my blog.
Wow, i can't wait!
Pat xx
I am off to post your candy on my blog now!!!! :o)x
OMG many thanks to give the chance to win this wonderfull candy! I will link you on my sidebar! hugs nicky
Wow Paula what fantastic candy. I'd love to win. I'm going to leave a link on my blog straight away!! Lots of love, Denise x
fantastic blog candy you have been exceptionally busy, I cant get over what a beautiful gift it is.... would love it. Have posted a link on my blog and hope I win but good luck to everyone ju x
wow iwant it...NEED it...its stunning, can i enter?
ill put it on my blog anyway hunny
love emma
Hey Paula
Am I the only person in this big wide world who hasn't got a blog yet???
Of course I'd love to win this wonderful prize, but without a blog I guess I can't...?
Sorry to hear you've been poorly - hope you're feeling better now.
Jeannie (DPCS)xxx
Awesome candy. Love to win it. I linked you here.
x Natasha x
Oh wow Paula!! Who would not want your stunning Fairytale book? I love the colour scheme, it would sit on my bookshelf perfectly lol!! And amazingly generous stamp giveaway too! Please, please let it be me!! He He!!
I've posted on my blog here
Love Becly xx
Popped this on my newest post, love pops x x
Wow what can I say think this must be the best blog candy ever I would love love to go into your draw Paula I have put a link on the side of my blog. Thank you.
What a truely amazing candy to be won. My daughter would absolutely love this book as she is into magical themes. I have posted a link on my blog.
Jayne xx
oo Paula, what a beautiful book you have created - I love the sepia tones. Yes please! I would love to win more of the little elves and I've made a post on my blog allready! hugs, annie x
Wow I am soooooo excited I can't wait to see the range. I would love to win this candy I was just going to mail you as hadn't seen a new post for a while but now I see you have been very busy.
I am off now to put a link on my blog
X Amy X
Wow, Paula, what a gorgeous candy! Oh,I so want to win. Thanks for a chance, here's the link
Have a great day
Oh this looks gorgeous - what a fabulous thing to give away - I've put a link on my blog!
Wow Paula! This blog candy is amazing! The book you have made is stunning and the new stamps are gorgeous!
I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I win this one!
Hugs Lynsey :)
Gorgeous candy, i love to win! I linked you on my blog! Hugs, moni
Hi Paula, hope your well - OMH this is fabulous candy and this book is gorgeous - I want it !! lol
Thanks for the chance of winning - I've post a link on my blog.
Have a great weekend
Tracie :)x
It is really a fairy candy!
Please, please count me in!
Oh Bum! I have only just read this! So I will just cry all night boo hoo !
Congratulations to the winner really ! What a fab candy.
Note to self: must look at all posts every day!
This really is one of a kind! I've added you to my blog candy list and also put a post on my trimcraft blog, www.trimcraft.co.uk/blog/donnamarie1970
Wish me luck and merry xmas to all.
Wow what lovely blog candy I have put a link on my Trimcraft blog and my other one as well. Good Luck everyone !!!!
Oh I so want that book!! It is stunning. The pages will be fab and will all need a warm and loving home.
Cathy xx
WOW Paula, what wonderful candy you are offering, thank you. I'd love to enter and I'm off to add a link now to my blog. Joanne x
Hi, Gorgeous candy! I will leave a link on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win. x
great candy !! they are so cute. thanks for the chance to win,going to put a link on now.
What a wonderful gift this would be to win. Thanks so much for the oppertunity, I only have one elf stamp so far and I love it!
Jenni x
Off to link from my blog now....
WOW!!! That is awesome..who wouldn't want it! Thank you for the chance to win it.
Sue x
Wow!! Paula this is Fantastic it looks so exciting... I would love to open this book and all the little parcels inside. Thanks for the chance to win this. I've linked to your post on my blog. x Vee
Hi Paula,
would love to win your blog candy as all the girls who come to my class are in LOVE with your elves and I would love to make them jealous!!
much love Helen x x xd
Wow, this would be the icing on the cake, have posted your link on my blog.
Oh wow!! this book is soo beautiful!!1 It's just gorgeous!! And I LOVE your little elves... I've just been ooh'ing and ahh'ing over them recently!!! I would love to win this candy!! :)
Have just posted on my blog!! :)
Wonderful candy, and GOODNESS, that book is ADORABLE!! Thanks so much for the chance. I will link you on my blog left sidebar, and it will stay there til the draw!
Oh my! what fabulous blog candy, I would so love to win all of this. Thank you for the chance to win, you so kind! :0) Tab xxx
How beautiful this is, Gorgeous beautiful and magical. I would love this so popped in to say hello and add your link to my blog. thanks for the chance to see it
Hugs june xxx
WOW what wonderful candy, I just love it. Off to post a link on my blog right now.
Tracey xxx
Absolutely magical!! I'm in! I've posted about this, complete with links, here: http://dreamwiththefishes.blogspot.com/2008/12/do-you-love-elves-as-much-as-i-do.html
WOW...what great candy..would love to have the chance..please...off to post a link on side bar.
good luck everyone....exp me...lol
love and hugs clare xx
Oh Pick me Pick me Pick Me, I would cherish this wonderful book and the lovely little woodland elves would have a lovely home with all my little fairies, I even have a notice on my door to warn everyone not to hoover in case they hoover up the fairy dust on the floor, so they would really be loved here
Hugs Jacqui xx and thank for this wonderful chance will link yo to my blog now.
I have come by your site from a link, Please can I enter, the stamps are enchanting, magical, and a wow prize. Will link in my blog
Wow!! What an amazing and generous offer. The candy looks gorgeous. I would love to try some of those stamps. I'll link you up now. Thanks for the chance to win.
The stamps will be great, but who WOULDN'T want that beautiful book! Does share the candy mean I can borrow one of the pictures to link to your blogs post? (just until the contest is over I won't keep it)
Linked up with a pic here
let me know if I should remove the pic!
WOW! What a fabulous candy! I hope I will be the happy one!!!
I have posted a link on my blog at the sidebar.
Wow, what a beautiful book you have made and how generous of you to give it away with all the stamps. I will add a link on my sidebar now.
Natalie x
Love the stamps AND the book! I can just see stamping these sweet elves in vintage colors so they blend right into the forest!
Well what can i say,i'm in shock,this is just stunning,it is so beautiful,such gorgeous Blog candy...and thats just the book i'm on about,with the added bonus of your new woodland elves stamps someones going to be a very lucky receipient,such a lovely early Chrimbo present.
Well i'm spreading the word in the side bar on my Blog....but really Paula i would rather keep it a secret,
Take care and have a lovely weekend
Sandra x
Hi Paula, I'm just sitting down again because I fell right out of my chair when I saw the candy on your blog. What a wonderful fairytale book ! The woodland elves will for certain live happily ever after. I've put a link on my blog over here . And now for the coming days I'm going to read a fairytale of the little elves that came to my house. And in the end, it was true ......... ?
Wow, what a great candy. And the book is fabulous too!!!!!!
I'd like to win it, but I don't have a blog, so I hope that isn't a problem for you.
wauw what an great candy you give away.I like the stamps that you use on you cards,great job!
I put a link on my blog and I come back to see more of your great creations.
greetings from holland
Oh My Goodness... what fabulous candy!! I would love to win your precious and generous prize. Here . is my link to your blog.
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Sandra xx
Mmmmm, such scrummy candy, how generous. I hae linked ya up on my blog:)
Hi Paula, well your stamps are just beautiful, but I think I may love that gorgeous book even more!
I've linked to your blog in my Blog Candy sidebar.
Oh how beautiful is that? I love these stamps but to win them in a presentation book - would be just fantastic. Well more than fantastic.
I'm going straigt to my blog now and will put a link to you. My blog is at http://craftworkblog.blogspot.com/ Huge Christmas hugs for giving everyone the chance to win this gorgeous collection.
Ann xxx
Yummy candy!!
Many thans for the chance of winning them they all look sooo cute!!
How beautiful is this! Please enter me for a chance to win your lovely book.I am just going to link it to my blog now. Thank you for this opportunity to win such a fab prize. May
Oh what wonderful candy!!
I've had a peek at the woodland elves stamps and have to say they are lovely. And such a bonus to have them presented in the cute little book.
I have linked you on my blog
Take care
Amazing candy your a very talented lady.
Happy Crafting
Oh, how sweet of you! That book is amazing!
I added you to my Candy Jar on my blog.
Paula, this is beautiful, i've not seen anything like it before! have linked you on my candy alerts on the right hand side, i'd be really grateful at the chance to win such a beautiful thing that you've created Carly xxx
OH my, this is so wonderful, how generous of you!!!!
Oops, I forgot I will put a link on my blog's sidebar!
Happy holidays
Wow, what an AMAZING candy!! I really want to learn stamping so yay, will try my hand at winning this fab lot!
Thanks for being so generous!!
(link on my blog candy list on right hand side of my blog)
That's great!
I've linked it in Blogger here:
and also in my livejournal (yes, I prefer it:) - http://my-scraps.livejournal.com/
Have a nice winter!
I've linked this candy giveaway on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps. Here's keeping everything crossed! Jillix
Amazing blog candy :)
Please count me in!
Already posted :)
Please include me in your draw for this wonderful set of little stamps and such a delightful little book, how very kind of you to give away such fab candy :) Donna x
Hi, How generous and how gorgeous is that fairy tale book!!! I love it!. a very beautiful candy. I would love to be considered for. I shall add your link on to my side bar on my blog. joey xxx
beautiful book and fabcandy - linking you to my blog
So adorable! :) Lovely candy, amazing book you've created - and I'd very much would love to win theese cuties!!!
I have posted to my blog www.sharonshaffer.blogspot.com
Love the cards & creations!!
these elves are really cute, I don't have a blog but would love the chsnce to win them, thanks.SharriC
Awesomely gorgeous! Thank you! I've linked: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-candy.html
bunnybx at gmail . com
What a great giveaway! Please count me in. I would love a chance to win this. I will put a link in my blog at http://alanjen4ever.wordpress.com
OMG fabulous candy. Thank you sooo much for the chance to win this. I've added a link on my sidebar. Michele x
Ohhhhh yes please. I'd love to be entered into this draw. Here is my blog entry
Oh, wonderful candy!! I love it so much!
I've add a link to you,
bye elisabetta
A truly Magnificent blog candy and would quite simply be a dream to win! The designs are gorgeous and even if I dont win (which is likely - with my luck!!) I will definitely be ordering some.I will be adding a link on blog HERE
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous unique prize!
lol Maria x
OMG Paula this is gorgeous and ur new designs are just fab! Away to add my post now!
Pam xx
OMG this looks absolutly devin, would love to win. All linked up and spreading the word.
Sally. x
Such generous blog candy Paula and your stamps are stunning, I love the little elves! I've left a link on my blog sidebar and am keeping everything crossed! Chris x
wow the book is stunning, i have linked and now everything is crossed.
Hmm. I am not doing very well at posting here. Sorry I posted to say I had missed the entry date and I was disappointed. Then I relaised I wasn't too late and I thought I had posted, but that does not seem to have appeared. If you did receive and deleted so that I did not have two on them apologies. If you didn't delete and my first doesn't count, then please can this be my entry ! I think maybe the link I put on my page is the one I though I had posted on here! lol If your not confused now you soon will be.
Gosh I do sound sooo dizzy! lol
Well this is a fantastic blog candy and I would hate to miss a chance to win it. The book design is soo beautiful and the stamps adorable.
Here is my link inspiration
Oh isnt that just the most gorgeous thing!!!
Id love to be entered into the draw if thats ok :)
Have a wonderful day!
Add you to my Candy store!
What a brilliant make and goodies to go with it, absolutely love it! Post is on the right side bar and thanks for the opportunity to win.
Wow, just gorgeous!!!
ooooo me please,i've linked you on my candy sidebar :)
Absolutely darling! I have never seen these stamps before.
Me, Me, Me!
I love it! What a novel (!) idea!! The book is brilliant and the stamps look gorgeous. Love to win them. Hope you are feeling better. hugs Clare x
Isn't this awesome! Wow I have so many ideas I could use for this. Thanks so much for the chance!
What cute stamps! Please enter me for a chance to win. I have added a link to your candy on my blog's sidebar. Thanks!
OHHHHH MY... what a beautiful job you have done. The blog candy is MARVELOUS! I had never seen these stamps before, and now that I have.... Oh I MUST have them! They are SOOOOO Cute!
I have posted your blog candy here
Thank you so much for this awesome opportunity to win.
Lynda =)
Gorgeous candy, i love to win! I linked you on my blog!
Hace a nice day!
Hi , I love these stamps , they re gorgeous. Thanks for the chance to win some :-) I have posted a link on my blog.
Merry Christmas
This is indeed beautiful, the whole package is. I blogged it here.
Bye, Kitty
Stunning book, and for sure I´ll enter the draw!! Just got four stamps from you few weeks ago and I just LOVE them!
I don't have a blog, but I would like to be entered in the drawing anyway. Thanks.
WOW! The book is wonderful. Thank you so much for your generosity!
I'm offering some candy too, so make sure to join :) I've written about your candy here:
I want to win your gorgeous candy!! I linked at http://senalovescandy.blogspot.com/2008/12/lovely-swag.html
Thank you!
Thank You for the possibility to get such a lovely gift. Not only the book but allso your fairies look awesome. The link in my blog looks weird, but it comes here, anyhow.
woooow, they are sooo cute...
I link it to my blog: http://www.aqyera.com/wp/?p=25
Thanks for the oportunity to win this great prize :)
Wow thanks so much for giving us a chance to win these goodies,
I would be the happiest girl alive if i won, they look gorgeous
p.s - I have linked to your blog hun :)
This is a truly stunning creation. This could be passed down the generations of a family. This is unique i love it. thanks for the chance to win this fabulous candy. Whoever wins this is one very lucky person.
That is so gorgeous! Fantastic book and beautiful stamps! Thank you for being so generous.
I have linked you on the right of my blog
Wow, fabulous prize, so unique and of course I would want the book and the stamps, and would keep them all!
Will add a link to my blog immediately!
Anything else I can do to try and win? I could come round and clean your house if you like!
Cazzy xx
What an awesome treat this will be for your lucky recipient. The book is beautiful, the stamps are awesome....I sure would love to get lucky. I have posted your one of a kind Candy at my blog. Thank you and good luck to fellow entrants. Hugs, Gayle Page-Robak
I want, I want your candy! Here's the link in my blog. thanks!
That is gorgeous. I've linked to you here
I would ssoo love to win this! It almost looks like a booksafe, but it has candy in it. I want to enter!
Love the book and the stamps, that would be great under my tree! hehe here is a link to my blog where i posted about the blog candy!yummmy
Oh what beautiful candy the book is stunning would love to win thanks for giving us the chance.left link on rt of my blogg
fingers crossed
What a wonderful idea! I wanna win...please, please, please! =P
I've posted and linked you on The Paper Freak.
What a candy....I want also it!!!
Wow! Fantastic blog candy! Would love to win the book with all the goodies. ;D
Thanks for the chance to win!
- Rhynah
Oh my this is such stunning blog candy, please enter me, im going to link you now. hugs Linda x
Wow this is awesome i want the book as well as the stamps its fabulous i love it :)
I am off to put a link on my blog now thanks for the chance to win.
Val xxx
OMG! This is fantastic, I have to win it!. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to win such fab blog candy. I have linked to my blog here
Michele xx
Gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance to win and I'm off to link on my blog now.
Liza x
oh..oh...oh...yes please...they look sooooo cute!
Thanks for the chance to get my hands on these little beauties!
The remarkable blog, and sugar candies amaze with generosity. Greetings from Russia. Thanks for hope to win.
I hope I got this entered in time! Very cute :) Thanks
Wow, your stamps are amazing, and so is your book. Thank you for the opportunity to win this.
That is a gorgeous book. Great idea... Cute stamps....I'm such a stamp freak, I would love to add these to my collection... Thank you for the chance at the candy....HERE IS MY ENTRY.
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!!
This is just wonderful candy. I just love how you put it together. Thanks for this awesome opportunity to win stamps. I have put a link on my sidebar for your candy. Krista
This whole concept of the Woodland Elves is adorable. I love them and the book. I know my DGD would too. These to look like they might be living in Hyde Park. I lived on Exhibition Road for over a year, my parents were there for 12. I loved it and I love these. Thank you so much for the chance!
wow that is a stunning and very generous candy Paula. I have linked this on my blog HERE
Thanks very much and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Oh my what a stunning creation and all thse stamps too.., I have linked you on my blog, how can I not shout about such fabulous candy
wow this is amazing!!! I've linked you on my blog :-)
That is a beautiful book! I'd really love to win that.
Please enter me into your drawing!
This is amazingly beautiful, it blows me away. Dreaming to win!
Also, I posted it on my blog!
What lovely blog candy!!!! Best of luck to everyone and I just adore these stamps. :)
OH WOW how fantastic is this candy...I so need to win it so hope Im still in time...thanks for your generosity xxx
I found aout about this jsut a little too late. Have never seen your stamps before and they are fabulous- will be popping back
Just found your blog! The book is wonderful! I'll be back to visit and look - thanks for sharing!
absolutely stunning candy, have posted your link on my blog.
just a wee hi from the north east of scotland
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