Thursday 10 July 2008

Candy of the Blog variety...

Right...this is my second blog candy offering, but the prize is a little different this time.....
For the last couple of days I've been working on this....

A rather cute completely handmade scrapbook, featuring my new favourite Bear GEORGE!

The front and back covers are covered chipboard, so they are pretty sturdy... and there are 8 plain pages inside for you to decorate, with whatever you wish...

Want to be in with a chance of winning this extra special pressie?

All you have to do is this...

Leave me a comment on this post with a suggestion for new George Bear designs.

Everyone who leaves a comment will receive a FREE download from the shop and also if your suggestion is made into a design, you will receive that design FREE !!

The overall Winner will be chosen at random on the 26th July, and will receive The cute GEORGE Scrapbook, plus some other secret goodies.....

Looking forward to your comments.....

Paula xxxx


Anonymous said...

Hi Paula! MMMmmm what about sitting in his armchair watching the footie with a beer or scratching his head over DIY. But if you don't want to tag George with the usual male habits what about down at the beach on a lovely sunny day (he wouldn't be in england would he tho!!). Another idea - down on the farm with the cows, pigs, sheep chickens etc..... on his tractor??? !st try but I may be back if I can think of anything else x

Anonymous said...

oooooohhhhh.....George is just too cute!!!!how about space!!!...


ella bella said...

awwww wow George is so adorable i love him. He would be great as soooo many things but what about a mechanic, on safari with a little monkey as his friend or as a pirate.
Tracy x

ella bella said...

forgot to say the scrapbook is gorgeous, really special love the papers and of course George
Have a lovely evening
Tracy x

Tracey said...

I'd love to see George as a king. Oh I know George with a surfboard for summer, sledge for winter, roller blades for autumn and pogo stick for spring (get it).

OK so the first 2 aren;t bad, can you tell I was struggling once I started, LOL.

Love the scrapbook and love George. Can't wait for more stamped images. Would you ever consider Tina Panda and the other characters as stamped images?


Tracey x

Paula said...

BRILLIANT ideas guys!!!! I've been struggling to come up with anything... Complete mental block!
Emma...funny you should mention the armchair idea, I already have a design of him in an armchair, but I was waiting for an idea to 'pop' into my head for a second design to go with it....
No beer though, he has a nice cuppa and a book...
I can see him on a beach, with his shades on, and then using Traceys surfboard idea for the second...
George in space...Like it!!
Maybe a 'discovery' set, space and safari?
OOOH I'm all excited now...
Thanks for the ideas people, don't forget to get in touch with your freebie choice...

Andrea said...

It's all Tracey's fault that I'm reading your blog... and surfing your store! George is super cute - but as for ideas not really sure. I'd love to see him with an ice cream cone, a piece of birthday cake, holding a shovel or trowel or even riding in a little cart with some golf clubs.

Paula said...

Hi Andrea,
Tracey is to blame for many things bless her...including the fact that I've been reading your blog too!!
will stop being SO lazy and comment soon....

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula! How about a Dr George to use for get well topper. Or with the olympics coming and Athlete George! Horse Riding George! George outside a house with a sold sign for a new home. 2 Georges for a civil partnership!!! After whats been on the news this week, a pregnant george! - I'm just going mad now!! Ok last one, Santa George!! Think thats me done I've got brain freeze!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! 2 hours ago there were no comments - you've all beaten me to it!!!

Absolutely love George, Paula! I was going to suggest George in a Santa hat holding xmas pressies, but already been beaten to it - or perhaps building a snowman or decorating the xmas tree - ouch I've gone into Christmas mode!

Going back to Summer (wherever it's got too) - how about sailing George? Or flying a kite (maybe on a beach)? Or flying an aeroplane with a message behind him - you could even do a selection of messages (please!). Or magician George - have a magical birthday... or Vampire George for Halloween. (Love Dr George, by the way, Kelly).

That's all I've got for now, I'll have another think and get back to you...

Jeannie (DPCS)x

Anonymous said...

Hi AGAIN! George in the armchair could go with him lazing in the garden - maybe with some gnomes/in a hammock??!!

Tracey said...

OK got it....lightbulb moment PING!
How about George with individual letters or numbers?
I'd love to see him beside or incorporated in to the letter. Does that make any sense?
I know what I mean but just can't describe it, LOL

Already have a project just waiting for it.

Will there be a "girl" George joining us soon?


Trace x

Anonymous said...

Hi - back again!!!

Carrying on from Kelly's Dr George theme, how about George with a sling or plaster cast on his leg and crutches, or in a hospital bed with a thermometer sticking out of his mouth (and/or his own bed at home) - for get well cards? Ooh - thought of another one - carrying an umbrella - 'under the weather?'

Love Tracey's idea of him with letters or numbers too, but I also think adult age cards would be really useful eg 18, 21, 30, 40, 50 etc... As you know I'm a BIG fan of the big hedz for the kids - perhaps George could be a version for the adults!?!

Hope this helps...


Jeannie (DPCS) xx

Paula said...

Hello guys...

Where do I start...?

Tracey, a 'girl' George... hmm liking it! alot of the ideas would work better for a girlie bear (like the pregnant george lol, kelly ...what were you thinking?)
Then we can have wedding George and ?
Like the numbers and letters ideas trace... I think I get what you mean!

Jeannie...under the weather, like that one too, but I hate to think of George being poorly!!

Thank you all xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, Love your scrapbook Paula, isnt it cute. im working on one at the moment but with everything else to do it gets put back into the craft room and i leave it there for a few more weeks. well done everyone, love all your ideas, with so many how are you going to choose Paula. I think george with a white tshirt on with a blue heart and georgina with white tshirt and a pink heart on it. it could be used for so many different occasions, maybe add a few sentiments on the page too !
i know George hasnt meet Georgina yet but i think it would be really sweet if they did meet up !!!
much love and kisses
emma xxx

Anonymous said...

What about Zoo Keeper George (then you could also design some cute animals?)or Graduate George?


Tracey said...

Had another great idea (so I think!)
What about designing sets of outfis that people could buy to decoupage over George the bear instead of lots of different bears?????
Then people can keep buting sets of outfits that they need with accents.

Tracey x

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula,
George is soooooo cute! I would love to see him rocking out as a little rock star with a guitar drums you could have a whole teddy band or get all your caracters involved playing different parts. I also think that romantic George would be just so cute with a rose or box of chockies and a dinner jacket x

Janet Hopper said...

George is adorable. I think he should have a female partner as well. It would be nice to see them as "Cancer Awareness" bears also. ~ or maybe as Angel bears? Your work is beautiful!
Hugs, Janet

Cazzy said...

I think george on a skateboard or scooter, and then on a swing or roundabout would be cute

Paula said...

Hi All

Love the new design Ideas...

Like the t.shirt/outfit ideas from Tracey and Emma I'm going to start working on a dress up George kit when i'm back from my hols.

Amy, Love the Guitar Idea, but I want to steer clear of ideas i have already used for other characters where possible, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE romantic George with Chocs, and maybe a bottle of wine?

Sheena..Zookeeper George sounds Good, LOVE that one....leave it with me.

Janet... Not sure on copyright issues with cancer awareness bears, i'd have to look into that one... but angel George sounds great, especially for christmas!

Cazzy... I especially like the playground ideas, I've already started a swing design, and I thought perhaps on a slide would be good too!

Thank you All SO much for the ideas, what a great response!!

Don't forget to email me at with your choice of free design.(A little Thank You for commenting!)

I'm going to announce the winner early tomorrow morning, so that I can get the goodies posted before we go on our hols on Sunday.

Good Luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Paula a bit late I know but my internet has been down! I love George he is so cute and ur scrapbook is lovely! What about George as a Bee Keeper or working in a Butterfly farm! Love Tracey's idea about a female George possibly called Georgina????

Pamela xx

Paula said...

Hi Pamela

I like the Beekeeper idea, Thank You!
Regarding Georges female companion, I do have some ideas in mind...but I wanted to call her something a little less obvious...I quite like Tilly....what do you think?

Unknown said...

I think he should be a mans mans teddy, surrounded by scantily clad lady teddys, its so hard to make a cute male themed card!!! know my hubby would approve !!!lol!lol!

Kym said...

Hi Paula - i think the she teddy should be called Lizzie or Gertie - Tilly sounds like the tilda stamps - how about George as a teacher or a chef - or a milkman and maybe even a dancer george - Kym xx

Anonymous said...

Hi He is so Cute!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula, Im not sure how old george is but if he is a young george maybe him with a little brother or sister coming home from hospital. You know a card especially for the new big brother to make them feel special. For us aussies if there are any more out there maybe a summer Santa on the beach or even George travels around the world series and you can have lots of different countries where he visits

Curlywurl xx

Paula said...

Hi again
Loving the new suggestions

Ballinaah: This one made my hubby laugh, so I think you may be onto something!! although....George himself is rather lacking in the clothing department(ooohh er!)

Kym: Yeah see what you mean about Tilly... I liked that too...(sulk) Lizzie is quite sweet! Like the Teacher and Chef ideas...

Curlywurl: George is actually ageless (he's the Peter Pan of the bear world)
But the baby brother/sister idea is SO sweet!! perhaps if he were just holding a baby, it could also be used for New Baby cards too?
Summer Santa...Hmmm maybe, I'll have to think about that one..
Around the world..LOVE IT!! I can just see him by the eiffel tower....

Thank again all of you, I don't know when I'll get the time to design them all, but I can't wait to try!!!

Paula xx