If you regularly stop by the shop, you'll notice that I'm always launching new ranges, and always changing the style of the designs.... I know when I launch a range I should keep adding to it...and I will eventually....(I Promise!!) but new ideas don't just pop into my head willy nilly, and when one decides to pay a visit, I think its rude not to let it in.....
Yesterday I had a visitation...

I used the pattern on the trees shown in the picture below:
The trees were actually where I started, and its strange that a little bit of inspiration just gets your creative juices flowing, Pheobe just came from nowhere!! Then her faithful companion Maude followed!!
The above image, and the ones below are the starting point of my first set... my plan is to do a set for each season.... bet you can't guess which season these are for......
The thing is though.... I'm not quite sure yet how to 'package' them, I normally offer my designs in decoupage form, purely becuase thats where I started, and thats where my customer base is...however, I'm not sure these will decoupage well because of all the tiny connecting bits, so I think I may leave these...'as is' I'm also contemplating a set of invividual jpeg images....rather than all the images together on a pdf sheet... what do you think? I think having the option to resize will be beneficial....
So there it is...my 'something different'... let me know what you think.....
Hey .....and while I'm on the subject this was my 'something different' for last week....LOL
I do get distracted easi.......
Paula xx
I love Pheobe and Maude! If this is what happens when you get bored... alright! And a bit "yippee!" to the possibility of having jpg files.
Hi Paula - you've been a busy bee!!!.....love Phoebe & Maude, they are super cute....i think it would be great if they were available to resize, it makes them useful for all sizes of projects and printing onto any medium you fancy opens up a whole new level......mmmm pretty candles, cool t-shirts, acetate bookmarks, photoframes.....oooohhh, i'm all excited now! ...can't wait to see what you do!!
wow paula i love phoebe and maude they are so cute, i think its great idea to have them available to resize. Cant wait to see the other seasons. you are soooooooo clever and have such a brilliant imagination!!
Tracy x
hi Paula, love the new designs, how do you find the time ?
jpegs would be great i could use them for plates and cups then like tracey did from crafts'n'capers. that would be fun.
love emma xxx
Hi Paula - love Pheobe and Maude! What does go on in your brain ...! I agree with the others that jpg files would be great - would open all sorts of possibilities!!
Sheena x
Hi Paula,
they are just soooooooo cute. Love them. I would actually like all your files in jpeg. Only because I have the craft robo and I can easily resize them in that program and let the robo cut them. I can change them to jpeg but sometimes the program doesnt work properly. Just a thought anyway.
Love Em, Love Em, Love Em
And I love the new look title for your blog..
Got to agree with everyone else also, jpg designs would be awesome. Be sure to have your graphics covered by Terms & Conditions, so that people can't buy them then resell them! Some might....not me I want to keep them all to myself but let everyone know how fab they are at the same time.
I could make such cute T-Shirts with your designs....can hardly contain myself. LOL
Take Care
Trace x
Hi Paula
love the new blog header its gorgeous.
there is something for you on my blog
Tracy x
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