Traceys swap:
Back in June, Tracey from craftsncapers ran a little card swap... The rules were pretty simple, the theme was 'thanks' and you had to use a pollycraft design somewhere on the card, now really I shouldn't have joined in... but I hate missing out on anything...!!
There were only 5 of us this time, but there is talk of another keep your eyes peeled!!!
Here are both the card I made and the card I recieved:
The Card I made for Sheena
This is a great way to discover how other people craft, and the techniques they use.... check out Traceys and Emmas blogs to see more swap cards...
A while ago I received a couple of blog awards, but me being...well ME , I haven't yet got round to adding them here, or passing the awards on to others So here goes:
Wylde Women Award
Tracy from ella bella awarded me this, and all I can say is WOOOHOOO!!
Thankyou Tracy ... your recent emails have really inspired me, and made me have a good think about things.
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number inbetween - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite (http:// (so Tammy can go visit all these wonderful women.The Purpose of the Award is: To send love and acknowledgement to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
I'm awarding this to:
Tracey (craftsncapers) You have helped me in more ways than you know!
Emma (somethingsweet) (pollycraftcreations) You have dedicated a blog to my designs!! How can I top that?
Andrea (thepaperpurse)Your blog always makes me smile!
Tracy (ella bella) Plain and simple...Thanks!!!
Tracey (craftsncapers) Awarded me this.... YIPPEEE!! Take a look at Traceys blog, you'll find some amazing projects, my personal favs are the xmas plates ...Thanks Tracey!!!
The rules are:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated. I'm going to have to cheat a little on this one... I only have 5!! ... i'm a bit of a rubbish blogger in that I don't have as much time available as I'd like, to browse other blogs!!
but hey... quality over quantity.... right?
I'm nominating the same 5 blogs as above: craftsncapers, somethingsweet, pollycraftcreations, thepaperpurse, ella bella
SHHHH.... don't tell the blog police I didnt follow the rules!!!
I'm sure you are fed up of scrolling now, so I'm going to leave the rest for another the boys are ready for some tea!! I've been composing this for about an hour!!
Have fun with whatever you are up to.....
Paula xxx
thank you so much for the awards, over the moon you thought of me :)
have a fab week
Tracy x
hi Paula, ive missed you, welcome back, we went to majorca for a week and i have just got in the house about 30 mins ago, i know how sad that im straight onto the computer to see what ive missed. and what a welcome back ive got. Thank you so much for the award, im over the moon, my first award for polly craft creations. ive got so many more cards to put on this week when im settled back in. it really takes it out of you going away for a week with the kids weve not stopped, im glad to be back to get some rest !
thanks again
speak soon
much love and sloppy kisses
emma xxx
WOW WOW WOW.. yipee - I'm doin the happy dance, LOL
Thank you so much blog sis....this means a lot and for you to give me 2 awards - WOW.
Keep up the brilliant work you do and I'm sure I'll still be able to make great cards.
Tracey x
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