I'm sure you'll all have noticed I've been a bit vague lately... posts are a bit 'hit and miss', and they never really contain anything worthwhile (what do you mean they never have!!)
Truthfully, things have been a bit weird... for a long time I've been struggling to get excited about anything....(you may have also noticed there haven't been as many new designs!) I can't explain why... there probably isn't really a reason!!
So.... what I needed was something to get excited about.....
And I'm VERY excited about a little present that got delivered to me earlier this week.....
The photo is a little rubbish, but i'm sure you can all tell what these are......
thats right, my very own clear stamps!!!!!!!
For a couple of months I've been busy researching, finding manufacturers, emailing around, and generally doing all the boring bits before I actually submitted my final artwork to the manufacturer... and finally...on Tuesday.... my first set arrived!!!
I have to say, I only just managed to contain my excitement... I did have a little secret dance around the living room while no-one could see!!! (well the dog looked at me a bit funny!)
Me and Hubby spent Friday morning doing all the packaging...... and here are a couple in their finished... how you will receive them form....

(Again.... photo is rubbish, think I've inadvertently altered some settings on my camera, must have a bit of a play tomorrow.....)
The first lot are part of a Christmas Collection... 9 designs to start, with more to follow.....
Naturally I had to have a play as soon as they arrived.... and here's my very first card made with my very own clear stamp.....(how mad is that?)

Stamp Design is MO 'Having A Ball' (From Pollycraft...hee hee)
So..... when can you buy them????
Well..... I have to tweak a few things in the shop first, but over the next few days, you should be able to at least view the full range.... with the plan of having them available to buy by the weekend.
As if that wasn't exciting enough...... theres more............
Before my first set even arrived, I was working on my next set!! These are due to arrive any day now....
Here is a very VERY sneeky sneek peek....
I made this card for my hubby for our Anniversary.... Image is not stamped, but is from the original artwork the stamps will be manufactured from....
The stamp isn't even officially named yet... thats how sneaky the peek is!!!
The aim is to hopefully have these available early the week after next, Depending on how soon they are delivered.
So there it is..... the reason for my 'hit and miss' posts, and lack of worthwhile information.... I hope you will all forgive me????
Paula xxx
ohhhh yes your def forgiven lol the stamps are awesome and i'm so excited to, cant wait to get my hands on them :)will be checking your shop daily :)
your cards are gorgeous to i love all the detail and the images look fabulous, must be such an amazing feeling creating cards with your own stamps!!!
have a fab day
Tracy x
oooooooohhhhhhh cant wait, well seen as though it because you have been busy and not sat with your feet up we will forgive you!!!
Your head will be that big soon, well done honey they look really good, and as i said before i am very proud of you! My bestest blogging buddy is going to be famous, well done honey love and hugs pops x x x x x x x
I want, I want, I want ..........
They look absolutely gorgeous! Well done!
Sheena x
Yeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss... you have been a little.... distracted, haven't you? but we can all see why now, and all I can say is...
WOW!!! Paula, the stamps look FANTASTIC! And I love the new cutie couple design... shame - I could have done with that one a couple of weeks ago myself (as you know), but you still came to my rescue anyway (nudge nudge, wink wink) - so thanks!
Well done, congratulations and all that... really proud of you.
Jeannie (DPCS) xxx
Well what can I say that hasn't been said already!!
You never cease to amaze and although I havent really got into stamping I can feel that I am soon going to be.
Hope you enjoyed your little dance :-)
The stamps look totally FAB!!!!
Emma x
Wow Paula, these stamps of yours look fantastic. I am looking forward to seeing the full range. Will have to check your shop daily to see when they're listed. The sample cards you made are great and really show off your lovely designs. Congratulations on your achievement, im looking forward to using some of your wonderful stamps. Big hugs Linda x
congrats Paula, its not fair your making us all jealous posting cards with your new designs on and we cant get our hands on them yet! very frustrating but i supose its one of the perks you get when your designed them. I know ive said it a thousand times before but you truly are an inspiration to all us crafters. Its absolutly amazing, how wierd but im already excited to see the new range before i have the first ones!!!
well done
all my love and (jealousy)
emma xxx
Well now, what to say???......Congratulations!!!!...the new stamp range looks fab, already I'm creating a mental wish list!!!...can't wait to see them in the shop Paula!!
I am loving the stamps and the new shop layout sory for being a rubbish bloger and not putting messages on here sooner. I have been very busy playing with all my christmas down loads and my winnings (thank you so much). I promise I will be posting more of my makings soon.
Can't wait to get some of the stamps :)
Amy xx
Oh wow! These stamps look brilliant! I'm a big fan of your teddies so I think these may find their way into my basket!!
ongratulations on your stamps!
Love Becky xx
What lovely stamps! Must be such a great feeling having your own design done! You're so brave, I envy you! Maybe I'll get round to doing it one day...Mmmm...until then I'll have to get my hands on your stamps! Do you post to France?
Happy Stamping! ;o)
I'm loving these stamps as im sure Tracey will aswell! Well done you!
oh missy you never said abut the stamps! dont keep secrets it hurts my OH wallet! :) lol
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