Saturday 31 January 2009

Blog Candy..well actually blog sherbert!

(scroll down for newer posts!)
I know I promised this sooner...I'm sorry!!
Still...better late than never....!

I must apologise for teasing you with the sneaky peeks, you can be an abusive bunch can't you? I've been called allsorts!!

anyway, its candy time again!! and this time its candy of the sherbert variety....

A new stamp range will be released on the 2nd Feb...called


And i'm giving 1 of you the chance to win the full set of 9 stamps...

A nice little oval box (decorated by me) to store them in...

I'm not getting good photos at the moment, so I can't show you more, but I'll try to get better ones soon!

So...what do you need to do to be in with a chance of winning?
Spread the word by adding a little message on your blog so everyone else can have a go too!!

Then leave me a comment on this post, to let me know you want to be entered...
I will pick ONE winner at random on the 2nd Feb, so you have until the end of Sunday 1st Feb to enter....
Good luck!!
oops, you might like to see what the stamps look like.....(tee hee)

Good Luck!! xxx


1 – 200 of 315   Newer›   Newest»
clare said...

OMG paula...this is amazing..not only the candy..but those gorgeous stamps you've are a very clever lady...please can i have the chance to win..would love to own these...and i can asure you many more peeps will to.
ill pop pic & link on side bar later off back to work now.
hope your well love clare xx

good luck everyone xxx

Ria Zonnestraaltje said...

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa I want it ;) going to make a posting a little bit later today :) Just need to get ready for a cardmaking afternoon with a friend :) The new stamps are soooo awesome Paula!!! Looking forward to work with them ;)

hugs Ria

Becky said...

Oh you so know I want to win this one Paula!! I'm loving the stamps, especially love the idea of having the board and then the sentiment stamps to go inside, a great touch!!
I've linked you here
Love Becky xx

Rach said...

oh my these stamps are so them...
thank you for giving us the chance not only to win the set but also for the chance to own the gorgoeus oval box too.
I have popped a link on my side bar on my blog..
Hugs Rachxxx

Hali said...

Uuuu amazing stamps!Ihope I win :-)

stampingcaz said...

They are fantastic! Magazine will be mad not to feature them. I cant wait til 1st Feb to order them.... ADORABLE!!


Erum Tasneem said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed! I know I never win but I WANT THIS BAD!
Ill link you in my sidebar
Hugs from Pakistan!

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! The stamps are really great! I've made a post about it in my blog: Thanks for a chance to win!


Jilli said...

Wow ... more gorgeous stamps and what a beautiful box! You're all linked up on the sidebar of my blog here.

Thanks for the chance of winning and good luck everybody! Jillix

Heather "Hev" said...

These are so brilliant!!

I think you will sell out in no time at all!!

Id love to be entered please :)

Hugs, Heather

Lynsey said...

Wow Paula your designs are stunning! I will put a post on my blog for you.
Hugs Lynsey:)

Jezz79 said...

Oh,what lovely stamps,me like!!!!
Going to put a link on my blog.

Corinne said...

What awesome blog the idea of the oval box to store them in as well. Thanks for the chance to win your generous blog candy. Heading to my blog to post a link on the side bar to your candy.

Krisstee said...

OMG.......they are just too stinkin' cute!!! I can see all kinds of possibilities. I have room in my craft room for this collection...........LOL

Lorraine A said...

what a lovely set of stamps and the box is just gorgeous, I would love to win this :-)
I'm off to put a link right now ,,,,,


COCO said...

whoooooahhhh Paula !!! it's a very super blog candy !!!! and gorgeous stamps you've designed !!!!!
good luck everyone !!!!
hugs coco

Diane.W. said...

I NEED THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol,I am never gonna be rich!!! :o)x

COCO said...

whouaaaaahhhhh !!!! Paula your blog candy is very super !!!!
and gorgeous stamps you've designed !!!!
Good luck everyone !!!
hugs coco

Unknown said...

Ooooohhh, these are fab Paula, I would so love to win the set and that gorgeous oval box. I'm glad you've stopped teasing us with the sneek peaks.
Off to post about it on my blog now.

Thanks for the chance to win Paula.

Joanne x

Crafting Diva said...

Hi Paula wow wow another amazing candy draw how would I love to win this prize the new stamps look great, it would go great with my other stamps I have put a link on the side of my blg and thanks for the chance to win.

Maria said...

Paula these stamps are just adorable! I can't wait for the release but hope to be the lucky one! Thanks for the chance the chance win the new set plus the oval box. I've posted about your sherbert on my sidebar. Hugs, Maria

Liza said...

Wow the new stamps look fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win them and the gorgeous box that you have decorated. I'm off to post a link in my side bar now.

Liza x

Tasha said...

Wow Paula these images are awesome - they are far too tasty! I have put a post on my blog and am extremely grateful for the opportunity
love tasha xx

wendy peatross said...

These are so cute! I'd love to add the little cuties to my collection

Becky aka HyperHeavenly said...

Those stamps are wonderful, I like anything thats a little bit different and these have the edge :-)
Becky xx

Suzanne said...

Beautiful stamps. Do I really have to spread the word, lol!

Posted a link

Thanks for the chance

Suzanne x

ribenaruby said...

Yummy candy for someone, post is under my jubbly candy list and thanks for a chance to win!

Basement Stamper said...

These stamps are absolutely darling! Love them and can't wait to see them.

I hope that I'm the lucky winner as your tin is also gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

The stamps are absolutely wonderful. I've spread the word on my blog and I would love to have a chance to win them. And the added storage box... wow!

Chrissie said...

Paula this candy is just fabulous, all those stamps and your beautiful tin to keep them in, how very generous of you!
I've posted a link to you in my Blog Candy side bar.

Bubbles said...

Oh my goodness me Paula another totally amazing blog candy. Wow these images are fabulous,can't choose a favourite as I love them all!
Keeping everything crossed (which could be tricky!!!)
Now off to add a note on my blog.
JOanne x

Happy Crafter said...

Hi Paula,Wow you are so very generous thank you for the chance to win this awesome candy :) i have posted Here. on my blog.
Hugzz Val xxx

Natusik said...

you have a great blog and soblaznitelnaya sweet! Thanks for the chance to win! Here is a link to my blog:
sorry, my bad English)

Katy said...

Gorgeous stamps Paula I absolutely adore them :) I would love to win them!! :P I will link your gorgeous stamps to my blog :)


Unknown said...

Wow!! These stamps are gorgeous!!
I've only recently discovered Pollycraft stamps and I LOVE them!
And what a fabulous prize!!
You're all linked up on my blog.

Mel said...

OMG how generous of you Paula ...
the box is stunning and a chance to win it with all the stamps too,
Yes please count me in would love the chance to win this amazing candy i mean Sherbert:)
Of to post on my side bar now so it stays at top for all to see.
Mel x

Sue said...

Oh how scrummy yummy gorgeous stamps,& lovely box thank you for the chance to win,off to link it to me blog, sue.x good luck all.

Anne said...

Wow............ what fantastic blog candy. Can you please enter my name a million time and that way I might win!!! xx

Stitchinwitch said...

They are so cute, I will definitely be buying one (or 3) if I'm not lucky.

I posted about it on my blog

Cathy said...

OMG I NEED these stamps! They are so gorgeous!
I would love to win them, and that beautiful box you have made.
Please let it be me, got my fingers and toes crossed!
You are linked in my sidebar.
Cathy xx

kes said...

I am so lucky that just browsing I get a chance to win the best stamps I have ever seen

Thankyou so much

cornishmist - thats me ju x said...

Hi Paula, these stamps are gorgeous, I cant wait for the release, I have posted on my blog about the stamps so would love to be entered into your sherbert giveaway...
keep the designs coming ju x

Naoual said...

Ow Paula, I love the stamps you've designed. They are lovely!

Thank you for the chance to win these adorable stamps and the beautiful box.

I'm going to put a link on my sidebar!

xx Naoual

Sandra said...

Well Paula you've created another set of stunning the look of these,they are definately eye candy or should i say eye,it's very generous of you to give a complete set away to one very lucky winner,and that lovely storage box you've made for them too...what a gorgeous bonus,
I've put a link on my Blog in the sidebar,thank you soooo much for giving me a chance to win these sweeties,
Take care
Hugs San x

maiahs_momma said...

Wow, LOVE your blog candy and your blog :)! Thank yo so much for this chance to win these goodies :)! I posted about your blog candy over on my blog:


Emma said...

Me, me, me...I want them!!!! Am stamping my feet...pleassssse, oh pretty please. I promise not to be horrible to you anymore!!! Lol
Seriously your designs are stunning...can't wait to get my mitts on them.
The box looks gorgeous too...super duper.
Emma x

Debs said... generous and talented you are, I'd love to have a chance to win your candy if not its my bday soon I'll smile nicely at hubby me thinks,I've left you a link.
Good luck all
Love Debs x

Tracey said...

Paula, these stamps are just gorgeous!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!! I've linked you up on my side bar.

Regina said...

Ooh, lovely blog candy! The stamps are so cute!
Thanks for offering up such wonderful blog candy it’s so generous of you!
I have linked your candy on my and now I just have to hope to win!!!!

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

WOW!! Paula, these stamps are gorgeous!! I love to win this prize the new stamps look great, I have popped a link on my blog:
Thanks for a chance to win!

Sally said...

What a great candy up for grabs. Those stamps are so cute. Would love to win them. I love the box that you have made also to store them in.
Have put a link on my blog.

Sam said...

oooh, what lovely candy and what a gorgeous box! I have added your link to my Candy List on my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

my gosh these are simply adorable and such a cute creation youve made to put them in, oooo im so excited off t link up now

carly xx

debra said...

Well it looks like these beauties are going to be a winner with many of peeps, wether they win them or purchase them, well done and thanks for the opportunity to win not one but all nine sherbet stamps wow.

Debra xx

iReneM said...

Oh my word, what gorgeous stamps and such a beautiful box too!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win these.
You are in my side bar

DawnMarie said...

Hi Paula, oh they are just gorgeous, can't wait to get my hands on them.x

DawnMarie said...

Me again, I've left a comment and a link to your blog from mine, would love a chance to win your stamps.x

CraftyC said...

Your stamps are fantastic Paula and make a great candy, fingers crossed its me, they are so cute. Have posted on my blog!

coldwaters2 said...

Love it love it blog candy and beautiful stamps something you can never have enough of. Will put a link on my blog to let everyone know. My blog is
Lorraine x

Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Wow these are gorgeous stamps,
I have linked your sherbert in my side bar... thanks for the fab oppertunity to win such beautiful designs....

Emma xxx

SueH said...

Love the stamps so different than anything else. Don't have a blog but will let all my friends know. Thanks SueH

SueH said...

The stamps are great and so different I love em Thanks for the chance to win. I don't have a blog but will let all my friends know. Thanks SueH

Anita said...

This is sooo great, I want to allll. This is great that you are doing this.

Anita xxx

Anita said...

I also linked you to my blog.

Anita XXX

Kristine said...

*GASP* OH, I am in LOVE with these adorable stamps!! I've gotta have them =) I just found your blog for the first time, and I'm head over heels with this new stamp line. I will go post a link right now!!

Shirley said...

These stamps are very gorgeous!! I have had you linked up to my blog for some time, and check yours out daily...but I'll leave a note about your very generous candy. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sprytebyrd said...

Oh, wow! Those are the most wonderful stamps! I'm so glad I found this blog!
I'd love to be entered to win!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I've linked you here:

Sprytebyrd said...

Wow - these stamps are amazing!
Thanks for the opportunity to win them!

AliMayes said...

Brilliant candy! Off to limk you now!
Ali xx

Andrea said...

Hello Paula, the new stamps are so great, i love it!
The candy is great, thanks for the chance to win. I post it on my blog HERE
Hugs, Andrea

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

What an amazing new collection. I love it! Thanks for the chance to win it. I linked you here.
x Natasha x

Beccy said...

Wow these stamps are amazing, they will be great fun to work with.
Keeping my fingers crossed I might win.


Cheri said...

Oh, W-O-W! Very generous of you to give away all 9 sets! I've placed a link to your blog in my CandyBar. **fingers crossed**

Annie said...

Oh these stamps are just fabulous - I love your designs.

Will definitely put a link on my blog and I better start saving up cause there are so many of your products that are on my wish list it's just unbelievable.

Ann xxx

Unknown said...

These stamps and the oval box are gorgeous!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I posted a link on my sidebar.
Greetings from holland
Emilie xx

Suzy said...

Wow. So nice stamps. And so nice candy. Can i have a chance to win?

craft mad Jenny said...

wow, these are gorgeous stamps, but then again I never win anything, but if you don't try you don't know!! have linked you on my blog,

Renee G said...

Those are such cute stamps and your project is so cute! I will post your fabulous blog candy on my blog! Thanks for the chance!

Daisy Chain said...

I absolutely adore these stamps Paula. They're sooo cute. I am rushing back to post a link on my blog. It'll be hard to type with all of my fingers crossed though.

Hugs Debbie xx

~Vittory~ said...

Hi! Lovely candy! I've added link on my sidebar telling everyone about your blog candy!

Donnas Den said...

Wow great cnady up for grabs. I've added your link to my sidebar on
and will write up a bit on my other blog at

Your blogs are great and I hope I win.

Kathryn Callaghan said...

they are fantastic
I have linked you to my blog
thanks for the chance

Joey said...


Wow, wonderful stamps, so cute.
Thank you for this chance, i hop i win : ).

hugs joey

Sue said...

Hi Paula, well done on creating some more gorgeous designs,i just know these are going to be very popular.Love the little box you made too:)


Annelies said...

Oh such gorgeous stamps! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win this amazing candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

JACKIE said...

wow, wow, wow....think these are gonna fly out the door chick, they are fab, will link back for you on my blog here and will spread the word on docrafts website too. Got everything crossed to win....hope they are a huge hit Paula...hugs and happy crafting..Jackie xx
p.s. hope your sleeping better too.

ella bella said...

WoW WoW WoW Paula the stamps are totally gorgeous and i love the box you have made its stunning, your colouring is always so beautifully done.
of to put a link on my blog now.
Tracy x

Anonymous said...

smart candy:)

Wendalyn said...

These images are sooo cute and what great blog candy. I posted it on my website.

Ivolina said...

Very cute stamps.
I will be happy to win.
My link

Moni said...

Gorgeous new collections, love to win! i linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni

wendy said... are sooo cute... I would love for a chance to win!

Fingers crossed

jacque4u2c said...

Wow Paula! This is an awesome give away. What a nice array of candy. And I love candy. I will connect a link on my blog letting everyone know. Thanks! have an awesome weekend~

Jen said...

Wow they look amazing! I will go and link your blog - thanks for the chance to win.
Jen x
Phoenix Crafts

Louise said...

What fantastic Blog candy!!! I love the new stamps - I would be over the moon with one but all nine would blow me away!!
Thank you for the chance to win,
Louise x

Stephenie said...

Oh wow! What wonderful "blog sherbet"! The designs are so cute! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!!!
Hugs. =0)

Julie said...

Wow ! I love these stamps. who said we don't need more cute boy and girl stamps !! I DO AND ESPECIALLY THESE ! Love them ! Hpe I win... If not have to sell my body parts to buy them !! ha ha . Have added a link on my side bar


Unknown said...

I love your stamp set, very cute! I'm hoping to be the lucky one!

IngaBalodeDesignStudio said...

Woooow...I never tried to stamp, but I WANT!!! very, very...

Judi said...

Love these girls - they are terribly cute! Can't wait until Feb to get some of these ordered up! I have no blog, but am cc'ing you on an email to a group of friends. . . hope that is okay!


The Crafty Goat Girl said...

WOW great candy/sherbert. These are so gorgeous, will keep fingers, toes and eyes crossed that I get the chance to win, I have placed a link on my blog, good luck to all, Heidi xxx Here is my blog

Bev said...

Oooh I neeeeed these stamps, particulary as I am in Pollycraft mode at the moment.

Great sherbert Paula have linked you on my blog.

Jill said...

ohh Paula I just can't wait to get my hands on them and ink them up wow they are gorgeous. I have added a link on my blog about your fab candy thanks for the chance to win hugs Jill xx

Tanja said...

Waw what a nice candy. Hope to be lucky.

Best regards from Slovenia

Sarah said...

Hi Ive only just come across your blog while blog hopping, its fab! Great Candy, I have left a link on my blog side bar. I also have blog candy on offer at the moment so feel free to enter it here

Sarah x

Lou Sims said...

WOW what fabby candy and boy, oh boy, would I love to win this lot ! Have placed a link to your giveaway on my blog.

Many thanks for the chance to win.

Pegg S said...

Oh your images are adorable. I've never seen them before and can't wait to browse your site and get acquainted w/ your cute stamps!

Unknown said...

Amazing!!! I love stamps and the box looks adorable:))) Greeting from Lucia

Gina Wrona said...


By all means, please toss my name in the hat. I'll send an email out since I don't have a blog to my friends to spread the word.
I found you thru Kristine B. at Ink Something. Thanks Kristine!

Gina Wrona

Helen said...

These stamps look fab - what great candy!
Have spread the word on my blog.
Helen x

Donna said...

Wow! What wonderful blog sherbert Paula, I would think I had died and gone to heaven if I were to win. Your pretty storage box for these stamps is beautiful :) Good luck to everyone :) Donna x

katy said...

Ooooooo this is just the best candy !! Love them all :) Shall pop a link on my blog now, love Katy x

Anonymous said...

Such cute designs! And what a generous giveaway.

Have posted on my blog here.

Anonymous said...

Kim at Basement Stamper directed me here. Love your blog! You are very generous with your blog sherbert! Especially the cute box you decorated. It's gorgeous! I'm adding a link to my blog as soon as I am finished my comment.
Good luck everyone!

Arianne said...

These stamps are great!
Thank you for the chance to win them.

My post can be seen here.

Špela said...

Great stamps!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for a chance to win.

xoxo Špela from Slovenia

Manuela said...

Thank you for the chance to win such a great candy. I've linked you on my blog.

Manuela x

Lena Katrine said...

Oh, this is so cute!! I've spread the words in my blog!

Have a nice weekend!

Justine said...

I have never seen these stamps before but I LOVE them. Wish me luck.

sheffsue said...

Cute with attitude! Would love some of those.
Thank you for the chance to win.

Sue x

Justine said...

oops, sorry forgot to let you know that Of COURSE I want to be entered into this contest. I am off to link you to my blog NOW. Would love for you to stop by.

Mary Jean said...

Paula this is the first time I've been to your blog or seen your stamps...I'm in love!! They are so cute!!! Thanks for the wonderful ideas!

Sharon said...

Pick the newbie, Paula! (ME, ME, ME) Saw the news on Kristine B's, Ink Something Blog and popped on over. WooooHOOOO! Your designs are fantastic! I would love to own these stamps!

Rowee said...

I LOve Your Blog! And, I"M in-love with STAMPS! It Drools me a lot. HOPE I win! Thanks for the Chance!


Heidi said...

These are adorable stamps, congrats on their release. I will have a post and you on my blog candy roll call!

TheAdorable said...

Paula, I love these stamps! thanks for the change of winning these lovely stamps.
I put a link on my weblog

craftNmommy said...

WOW! I would love a chance to win this sherbert... Your stamps are adorable, I had never seen them before now. I will have to have some one way or another. :) I posted to my blog,

Have a great day!

Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

I love these stamps!Please include me on your draw. This is the link

Tanja said...

Ohhhh Paula, these stamps are soooo sweet! I love them all!
Thanks for the change to win...

Hugs, Tanja

Joana24 said...

OMG . what a fabulous candy the stamps are so gorgeous

thanks for the chance of winning shush a Lovely candy
Joana xxx

Smita said...

Who wouldn't want to win these, Paula? :-) Thank you for the chance. Awesome deisgns.

I have posted a link to your blog on mine:

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed ;-))


Ella Card Creations said...

Please please please!!! You have done it again! Absolutely gorgeous stamps and a stunning box to store them in too! Paula please enter me in and I will link you on my blog as well. Loving your work as usual! Kelly xx

Monika Reeck said...

OMG so nice candy... cute stamp...
Thanks for the chance to win..I will tell my friend per email cause I have no Blog :) Hugs, Monika Reeck

Cheryl said...

Ooo this is a lovely set of stamps. I love stamping,new to it but I am really enjoying it !! Can you please enter me into the competition :)
I have added you to my blog as well.
Thanks again

Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Cute Cute Cute! What a cute stamp set. I'm adding a link in my sidebar.

Christine said...

Hi Paula I,m the newest of blogers
& loving it, have linked you to my blog & thanks for the chance to win looks good enough to eat..LOL.

Christine xx

Stempelschnecke said...

Wow Paula your designs are stunning! I will put a post on my blog for you.
Hugs Andrea

sylvia said...

thanks for the chance to win this candy
hugs sylvia

Michele Roos said...

Ohhhh gorgeous stamps. Thanks for the chance to win these. I've added a link on my sidebar about your gorgeous candy. Michele x

Crafty Guam Girl said...

Oh my!!! I would so love to enter the chance to win your cool blog candy!!!

I attached a link to your blog from my blog (I have a Blog candy section on the right).

Good luck to everyone!!

Tracey said...

Wow! Gorgeous stamps. Thanks for the chance to win :o)

I've linked you to my blog (on the right hand side).


Anonymous said...

Cute box


liza said...

oh my,what totaly faantastic stamps and fantastic blog sherbet please can you add my name,im off to put it on mhy blog love liza xox

The Crafty Den said...

Hi Paula, what amazing stamps coming soon, I can't wait to get my hands on them. Thanks for the chance at winning them. I've off to leave a link on my sidebar. Hugs, Denise x

tracie said...

OMG Paula this Blog Sherbet is truely amazing ~ and your box is gorgeous... oh pick me...
Thanks for the opportunity hun, just off to post a click on my blog.
Have a great weekend hun
Tracie :)x

retiredheather said...

Wow Paula, thanks and wish me luck. I put it on my blog and hope you get loads oaf visitors. The stamps look great.

COSTAR said...

O mY lovely Blogcandy..
I love all the designs.

Put a link on my Blog..Love COLINDA

Unknown said...

Wow fabby blog and lurrvveee the sherbet!! added you to my blog x

Anonymous said...

I love your stamps and would love to win! If not, I guess I'll have to purchase them! :)

Kirsten...x said...

Great stamps would love to win them i have posted a link....
hugs kirsten x

Joey said...

Hi Paula, oh my gosh these stamps are absolutely gorgeous and someone is going to be so chuffed to be using them, and the name sherbet awww makes them even more yummy! thankyou so much for the chance, shall link you on my blog now. joey xxx

trixi b said...

Loving the candy.Very generous of you. I will defo post a link on my own blog for you.
Hugs. Trixi b

MOLLIK said...

What wonderful candy! I've linked you in my sidebar :)

Sam said...

What gorgeous designs, you are so talented. Am off to link to my blog now, fingers crossed
Sam x

Carly said...

I haven't been stamping for all that long. These stamps are soooo adorable. I would absoulutly love to own these wonderful stamps.


~* Donna *~ said...

Paula These stamps are amazing! you have really worked hard on these designs, Great work keep it up!!!
These are going to be a huge hit, hope you got plenty in stock for the launch!

I have added about your candy/blog on my " candy " sidebar of the blog

All the best Donnaxxx

Jana M. said...


I left ya some love and a link on my blog.

Janice said...

Wow...incredible blog candy! love these stamps. I will link you to my blog.

I am currently giving away candy on my blog as well-hop over and check it out.

My Blog!

Jenn K said...

What cute stamps!!

Christy Dillman said...

These stamps are adorable, thanks for chance to win these cuties. I have posted on my blog, check it out here.

Linda S. said...

Oh My, What adorable stamps. And that presentation box is to die for!! I would love the chance to be entered. I would be glad to post a link to your sherbert, but I do not have a blog. Thanks, Linda lsfouratwindstreamdotnet

Tina Mayo said...

these are such cute cute stamps.. I love them all!

EADotCom said...

Wow.... you are truly talented. I am so glad I found your site. I can imagine the many things I can do with your stamps! I used to do lots of cards and craft but stopped for some time now. Seeing your candy inspires me again! Pleeeease enter me into your draw.... and if I win, do you ship to Malaysia?

Donalda said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! These images are just adorable dear you are one talented person dear that is for sure and the box you made I love it. Oh how I wish I could win this for I sure can't buy them (Well I took it I couldn't for I live in the states) But man whoever wins these are sure one lucky lady!!!!!! Hope it is me lol

m said...

First of all I'm thanking Katy for the link to your blog.

Second of all, you're blog is just gorgeous and the stamps are adorable.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

M x

ViolaMoni said...

Great Candy!I linked it on my blog!Thanks!

hudson said...

Love your blog, and even had a look at your shop, wow love it. I have added your widget to my blog, i hope that is alright...

All i can hope is that one day my blog will be as good as yours....

Please could i be entered into your sherbert (blog candy) please.

I am definately going to follow your blog.


Erin... said...

WOW amazing candy, gorgeous stamps!! I linked you in my sidebar!! thank for the chance!

Fi said...

These stamps are gorgeous! Very impressive!

I've added a link to my blog to share the candy! Please add me to the draw


carine said...

wauw..these stamps are so cute..thanx fore the chance to win..i posted a link on my blog...greetings xx

crafty amy said...

Oh my God!!!!! I can't believe how many posts are already on here This is amazing sherbert! They are so cute I love them all and the box is adorable. I would of course LOVE to win them I promise I would take very good care of them.
I'm off to post on my blog now.
Hope your feeling better

X Amy X

Murielle said...

The candy is great, thanks for the chance to win. I post it on my blog.
Hugs, Mumur

Anonymous said...

These stamps are just adorable!!!! I have never even heard of them before. After entering your blog candy and then posting your info on the sidebar on both of my blogs I'm going to come back and check out all of these cute little stamps. Love 'em.

Alenka said...

Waw,what great candy!
These stamps are beautiful and your storage box for stamps is great.
I linked you on my blog.
Hugs from Slovenia

Carol said...


They are lovely ... thanks for giving someone the chance of winning them like the sentiments and elements too...


terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

This candy looks YUMMY! Please enter me, I've listed this on my blog:

Anonymous said...

Sure I'd like to win these great stamps! I don't have a blog, but I will send the web adress to all my stamping friends!

Gunilla/Nilla said...

Thoose stamps are just wonderful. And I think I´ll be the happiest in the world if I won thoose!!!

Take care/Gunilla

V Colbourne said...

Wow! Amazing candy- I know I'd never win this in a million years, but this is my I've linked you up in my blog candy section, come on over and have a look :)

Natalie said...

OMG!!! Your stamps are adorable! I love them all, especially the little girl fishing for stars! My fingers are crossed so tightly! I have added your link to my blog to share with my friends. Thanks for offering awesome candy!

Angel Tousignant said...

Bravo! elles sont magnifiques. Je les aime beaucoup.

Sue said...

Hi Paula, just found your blog and I love your stamps. I would love to have them. I'm off to put a link on my blog. Sue.x

Lisa F said...

What totally cute stamps! LOVE them! I posted on my blog and would love the chance to win!

Jennifer said...

Fantastic stamps!! They'll look brilliant in amongst my stamp collection!! Tee Hee!! I've put a link on my blog for you.
Love PookspoonsXXX

Sandra said...

I would love the chance to win your candy... your little beauties will come so divinely parcelled in that gorgeous oval box. You always make such unique candy. Have linked you to my sidebar.
Sandra xx

SemSee said...

Wow! These stamps are fantastic. I'd love to be entered into your draw for a chance to win! If I don't win, I shall HAVE to buy some of the stamps anyway - they are too awesome! I've added you to my candy bar on my blog.

...I'm keeping everything crossed!

Sem x

scrappyjacky said...

What really lovely stamps.Have linked you on my blog

Penny said...

these are just too adorable!!!! wow! how generous of you!!!

Tracey said...

Oh WOW love these stamps they are gorgeous and I would love to own them. I have posted a link on my blog to spread the word about them.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Tracey xx

omela said...

Paula your blog candy is very super !!!! I've made a post about it in my blog:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh..what cuties they are! I would the love the chance to win this gorgeous set also. Thanks for the offer!

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness.. these stamps are amazing, cool candy too, thanks for the chance to win some candy !!!! FAB BLOG.
You are in my side bar and buddies list.
Hugs Angel

Jill Haddad said...

I would so love to win these adorable stamps. I've linked back here on my blog - come on over a visit me.

DillyDilly said...

How cute are these - Have linked to my blog & Thank you for the opportunity. Hugs Dilly x

Kathy said...

Paula-OMG-How cute is that! I love the stamps and the cards you created with them -

Jilly said...

wow amazing candy thank you for the chance to win. Those stamps are just totally scrummy
I have linked you in my blog candy list in my side bar

Kamaftut said...

wow, what lovely blog candy!! I have added you to my blog candy!!

Best regards Joanna from Poland

Anne said...

omg what brilliant candy. Those stamps are adorable, I'd love the chance to win these.
I discovered your site by accident earlier today and am already hooked on your lovely images.
I'll be sure to spread the word on my blog

Sinikka said...

What a lovely stamps. Hope for some luck. They would get a lot of love at my place :-)

Jodi said...

These stamps are so cute (and of course the box they come in is adorable too). I would be thrilled to win these. Thanks for the chance.

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