Wednesday 9 July 2008

Sunshine and Jelly Babies

Yesterday I sat down to make my 'get well' card for Antonia (see message to the right)

I got all my crafty bits out including my new craft robo.... and heres what I came up with...

Now...I don't know about anyone else, but when i'm crafting, I have to have a bag of sweets sitting on my desk next to me (in case of emergency obviously!!)...For my sunshine card I chose Jelly Babies.

Imagine my horror to find, when reading the back of the bag, that they now all have names!!!!
its SO much more difficult to bite the head off something when you know its name...... (difficult, but not impossible ....Bumper was delicious!) honestly, who came up with that idea?....

anyway, back to the card....

I used my craft robo to cut out a circle, with the word 'sunshine' cut out of it, i also cut some little 'squiggles' for the rays. I watercoloured the edges a bit to highlight them.

I used the GEORGE BEAR 'IN THE GARDEN' Design and coloured him with watercolour pencils, then using a compass, drew a circle round him, but left it a tiny bit smaller than the edges of the image, so the flower and his feet 'stuck out' a bit.

I attached my sun to a backing of blue bazzill card, and then wrote my message with a black sakura micron pen, did a bit of doodling here and there and then added a little star brad for the dot on the 'i'.... et voila.....

only took about 10 minutes (not including the craft robo mishap where i left it too close to the wall, and the paper all crumpled up!!! ....oops!!)

Paula xxxxx


Anonymous said...

Hi, its gorgeous Paula, fantastic shading on George, you've got lovely handwriting, wish i could write like that, would save a fortune on rubber stamp sentiments. must say i have no problem eating the little people, my favourite is 'Big Heart'. As Antonia would say " yummy yummy in my tummy ".
much love and kisses
emma xxx

Tracey said...

Gorgeous card Paula...loving George - he's gorgeous too. Can't wait for more of these stamped images.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card, Paula - I'm sure anyone would love to receive it to cheer them up a bit - especially a little girl with a busted arm!

Emma's right - love your handwriting too... I wondered if you could make up some message tags for us all in your lovely handwriting? - like on your 'a little bird told me...' topper, or a 'make a wish' tag to go with the Milly fairy - that kind of thing?

Jeannie (DPCS)x

Anonymous said...
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